Monday 16 February 2015

Practice based research workshop & Ideas for proposal for practical work - Study Task 4

Practice based research workshop & Ideas for proposal for practical work - Study Task 4

What is practice based research?
Practice based research is a form of research methodology that uses "practice" alongside other forms and a means of discovering or generating knowledge. 

While the emphasis is still very much establishing a critical understanding of the issue, practice based research acknowledges the role of making in establishing this understanding. 

Look at extracting these practical issues based on the question "What is the role of ethics in creating an effective brand image" working from the hypothesis that ethics are considered in all brand identities but falsely portrayed in organizations that use them for increasing there commercial recognition and financial success. 

Technique & Process
Analogue & Digital image making process and its relevance to representing a certain idea and message related to the organization.  
Use of materials, depending on the ethical values of the company production methods and use of materials will drastically effect the brand image and how it portrays ethics, think about recycled materials, fair trade production, biodegradable materials, vegetable inks and natural resources.
Reflect the organizations purposes and there personality through the use of typography, layout, color 

What information to apply to the brand material, like descriptive information on the organization.
Think about the use of language when communicating aspects of a company considering cultural diversity, ethical aspects, related to the target audience. 
What material I want to create that represents the brand Im producing for. 

Communication, how ideas are represented (Semiotics)
Connotations of elements of the organization I am producing a brand identity and collateral for. 
Look at cultural values and how they are portrayed in the brand image. 
Consider the target audience when producing concepts and ideas as this is important within branding. 
Primary & Secondary source focus on these points.

Conceptual Branding
Target audience influenced branding
Ethical Branding
Persona of the intended audience the organization I brand is aimed at
Un Ethical branding, learn from these mistakes.
What kind of organizations I can brand based on there manifestos and purposes.
Target audiences and how to communicate ethical consideration to them. 
Look at influential work based on concepts and aesthetics.
Research will be a reflection of the essay content, expanding on points made in the essay to inform a practical response. 

Concepts and ideas
Cultural considerations
Environmental impact
Social impact's
Color theory
Medium is message; explore material, process, typography etc to communicate certain aspects.

What works and what doesn't work based on:
Aesthetics, Layout, Connotations, How it interacts with the end user and there persona.
Are the concepts relevant to presenting the business/organization purpose in an ethical tone of voice
Do the ideas communicate well to the target audience? 
Does it show considered use of ethics?
Does the organization operate from an ethical manifesto, unlike Starbucks who present false ethics. 

Trial and error and development of work. 
Comparison of different ideas.

Initial Ideas for a practical proposal
Portray ethics in organizations that wouldn't normally need them portraying, like banking firms. 
Consider the business I do a brand identity for based on there background and the business purpose and target persona as some peoples view points on what is morally ethical can differ. 
Look at Kickstarter for a subject or current company to produce a brand identity for. 
Portray a company who use ethics falsely in a more truthful way, show whats really going on thats hidden from the end user. A flip side of whats really been portrayed. 
Ethics is used for commercial recognition within business and profit, produce a brand identity for a business that does true good, no hidden secrets and someone who makes a difference within the sector they aim at. 
Brand guidelines  would make a good method of delivery

Feedback and suggestions
Look at footprints
Recognizable brands. 
Expose an unethical brand through brutal visualization of the hidden aspects behind there "ethical brand image" e.g Starbucks. 
Ethics are used falsely for bad, visualize this idea. 
Rebrand a low profit/startup business using ethics to show consideration to maintaining higher profit margins. 
Look at community projects
Food companies have sub sections like; fairtrade, organic, animal friendly. 
Clothing brands that dont outsource or practice slave labour ie nike.