Tuesday 29 September 2015

Organising Your Research Project

Organising Your Research Project

Palgrave Study Skills Critical Thinking Skills Developing Effective Analysis and Argument - Stella Cottrell
Doing Your Research Project - Judith Bell 

400 hours input 
6-9000 words min or max 10 percent over or under
Informed practical outcome answering set question/hypothesis 
14th Janu 2-4pm deadline 
Submit a substantial draft by xmas break

Indepth/cohesive research project with practical and textual outcomes
Extensive body of research primary & secondary good academic sources
Analysis and evaluation 
Coherent argument

Planning the project
Re write proposal 
Write down all questions that I want to investigate 
Consider each on there merits and focus on tow, a primary and a secondary. Complimentary or contrasting
A4 'first thoughts' sheet for each 
What is the purpose of the study? Is your question researchable? 
Working title/question

Ideally the title should provide a thesis or an answerable assertion
Maybe opt for a title and a subtitle
Make notes of the key questions that your research raises as you go along. Try to encapsulate all of these in the overarching title.
15-20 words
Choose an appropriate tone
Ready for discussion with tutor on first tutorial 

Project outline
Consider timings and timescales
Where and what I want done at each stage/week/day
Think about working title and the different components that need researching, whats most important etc
Allocate timings for everything
Draw up a project outline based on above
Allow generous time for initial readings and investigations of problems
Consider presentation of outcomes eg blog and formatting collation of outcomes both physical and on blog 
Consider all tutorial sessions as mini deadlines
11th Dec 11 for turnitin 

Literature Search - 1/2 Days
Plan focused readings 
100 hours reading 
Plan what I want to find out within my reading
Find out writers who specialize in my subject 
5-6 Key base books
10 complimentary supplementary books 
15-20 books to add small support and triangulation 
www.jstor.org journals are good for precise arguments that can revolve around y question
Google scholar 
British Library 

Start compiling a bibliography NOW using Harvard referencing 
Name, forename, date, place, publisher, page
Gather quotes etc

Structure Dissertation into chapters
Separated into set chapters
Each chapter to evidence a different theoretical/methodological approach 
Introduction to explain the structure of the chapters that will be different in focus aiming towards a conclusion that draws chapters together 
Think about how chapters relate to practical practice 
Move from general subjects and points to specific and focused 

Approaches to Research
Data Collection/Market Research

Participant observation
Reflective Journal
Action research