Monday 24 November 2014

"What makes a good brand image" essay & practical project crit

"What makes a good brand image" essay & practical project crit

Question & Practical plan
Today we had a crit to give us some useful feedback on how to tackle our research question and how we plan on approaching it in terms of the practical project at the end.

My proposed question is based around my current interest in branding, I want to resolve the question "what makes a good brand image?"

Possible current reference points 
Look back on and expand on insightful lectures, mainly:
The lecture on ethics, take into account what makes an ethical designer based on a criteria for a workable ethical theory.

The lecture on consumerism; persuasion, society & brand culture.

Identity lecture. 

Read texts like Naomi Klien - No logo to give strong influence to the essay.

Watch the documentary The Century of the self to expand on current knowledge on consumerism & capitalism, learning how to avoid this obvious consumerism drive within the branding of a company is a good starting point for ethical branding.

Current thoughts for the practical side of the project are:
To produce a re-brand of something that I see as a particular bad brand, taking into account all the aspects I cover in my essay that highlights how to go about creating a good brand image. 


Create a brand image & collateral on something that interests me.


Create a brand image for products that are often neglected in terms of creatives using there creative skill set to promote the product or chose a brand image that could be seen by some as a consumerist driven piece of work and turn it into something more ethical.

Feedback & progression plan
Feedback suggested I had made a good start and consideration on what I wanted to carry out in my essay, I just need to be more specific within the question. What do I mean by "good brand image", what makes something good?

It was suggested to focus down on something I suggested within the possible current reference points in terms of what makes a "good brand image" when taking things like ethics into account. (Enviromentaly friendly, anti capitalist)

Or focus on a particular target market to take into consideration the intentions of the brand image and its communication with its target audience. 

To get around this I have 3 new proposed question formats to possibly work on:

What makes an good brand image for a [insert specific market area e.g. fast food chain]?

What makes an ethical brand image? (Compare & contrast an ethical and un-ethical brand learn from mistakes and positivity's from both)

What makes a [insert specific market area] ethical.

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