Monday 27 April 2015

Outline proposal for COP 3

Outline proposal for COP 3

Starting point to develop an investigation on. 
This proposal is a rough idea that is subject to changes. 

Use summer break as an opportunity for explorations, investigations, research, ideas etc.

Focus question on a specific outcome or direction for both theory and practical outcome. 

Primary sources, investigate potential methods relevant to idea. 

Aim the proposal around my creative interests,both theory and practical, 

2.5 hours 1-1 tuition time for written aspect with a designated supervisor chosen specific to area of specialism. 

Proposal to contain
Aims & Objectives
Idea of general research and specific focus research 
Methodology and how I will approach the topic
Required preparations; practical, quantitate/qualitative research, reading, primary, secondary 
Potential problems


Proposal, research, resources and critical ideas - Practical response

Proposal, research, resources and critical ideas - Practical response

Research question 
What is the role of ethics in creating an effective brand image?

Tested Hypothesis
My research and investigation through the essay suggested that ethics are considered in all brand identity's but are falsely portrayed within organizations that operate from high profits and use ethics to manipulate there target audience into engaging with there organization for there financial and commercial gain. 

How will practical relate to written work
The practical response will consist of a brand identity and collateral for a startup organization that concentrates on the customers wellbeing and moral business, production, product sourcing, cultural and environmental decisions. Rather than revolving everything around profit. 

This is a reflection to the tested Hypothesis that suggests ethics are considered falsely in high profit organizations and through this success and profit there becomes less consideration to the end user and every mechanism within the business's operation as outlines by Starbucks mistreatment of workers and coffee farmers and Shell's twisted "consideration" of culture and location within there identity. 

Methods of research and context's
Expansion and Analysis on points made in the essay to inform a practical response.
Learn from bad points made by unethical organizations while expanding and taking influence from good ethical practice within branding.
Research further into books used in the essay to provide a more informed influence on ethical viewpoints as well as influence on the branding process and applying ethical considerations to every stage.
Research asthetic and visual outcomes to influence the visual response and how to visualise a message through design (Color, typography, layout, image, name, all aspects outlined in Designing Brand Identity Book) 

Plan for development & testing
28th - 30th April spend expanding on points in essay in relation to chosen organisation to brand.
Through analysis take forward points that will help inform decisions relating to the branding process, consideration to target audience and ethics. 

1st - 2nd May spend on more thorough theory research before generating ideas.
Take forward points mentioned in the essay and expand on these issues with further reading, this will provide a more informed focus on the branding process and the incorporation of ethics within the concepts and delivery. 

3rd May spend one day gathering visual research that reflects and contextualises theory research.

4-5th May generate initial ideas.

6th May think of an informed concept and purpose.
7-8th develop rough ideas.
Refine down good ideas through reflection of research on what makes good ethical branding. 

8-15th develop into a final resolution.
Through the development make sure every decision has justification, Color, typography, material, process and use of language need to be informed from ethical aspects of the business. Truthfully, no false portraying.

16-18th testing of materials, production and evaluate reflecting on research. 

Starting point & Essay expansion
Based on an analyze in my essay I came to an overall conclusion that ethics are considered in all brand identities but are falsely portrayed in large corporate organizations who operate from high profit margins. The points made by Naomi Klien and my investigation into Shell showed how ethics were falsely portrayed to enhance the business image.

Organizations that operate from a low profit, no profit or start up business's tend to
consider truthful presentation of ethics with more consideration to the customer rather than profits as was evident with Starbucks and there mistreatment of workers and suppliers as business progressed. 

The 2000 First Things First Manifesto made me think about how ethical consideration starts out through the decisions of the designer 
"Commercial work has always paid the bills, but many graphic designers have now let it become, in large measure, what graphic designers do"

This lead to my decision to brand startup Lizzy's All Natural Superfood Smoothie Shop, the decision was made due to the there focus on making a difference. Showing a rebellion on Poynor's points made on designers aiding consumerist products by applying there skills to products like "dog biscuits and designer coffee". 

Roberts mentioned how "Graphic design can be used for good or bad" this identity will focus on the promotion of an organisation that doesn't operate for high profit margins, it focuses on addressing:
The health benefits of raw foods and super food ingredients. 

Bringing Communities together - Cooking workshops and events. 

Cultural specific & environmental considerations - Organic, Locally sourced ingredients, Safe/Clean grown, Chemical free.

Shell incorporated cultural considerations within colour selection, colour theory can communicate a lot about a business there use of red and yellow was informed "Because of the states strong Spanish connections" its important for me to consider the cultural positioning of the brand, taking into account the target persona as a means of responding "to the ethical requirmented of the society in which they reside" as Egan-Wyer, etal points out. 

Concentration on price, cleanliness and quality. Show the value for money health benefits.
"Drinking a green juice or smoothie is going to be only as healthy as the quality of produce that goes into it. If a company is juicing conventionally grown produce and hasn't washed it properly, consumers end up paying crazy amounts of money to drink chemicals and pesticides" 

This reminds me of an important analysis within my essay, wheeler suggests how "positive connotations in the markets served" can help strengthen and "communicate something about the essence of the brand" while supporting "the image that the company wants to convey"  

Focusing on these benefits contrasts nicely on points made by Poynor suggesting that there is a "demand for things that are inessential at best" creating a customer demand for this product through effective branding would be a good use of ethics, not for profit, for for commercial gain. For doing good, cheap and accessible health products cant be seen as "inessential" 

Olins outlines how "In this business world branding is about making money" and as my research and essay suggests so are most profit based organisation but Lizzys focus is on providing accessible healthy products at affordable prices. 

Wheeler outlines how "Brand identity fuels recognition, amplifies differentiation, and makes big ideas and meaning accessible Brand identity takes disparate elements and unifies them into whole systems" and
"A logo is the gateway to a brand", I feel this logo and brand identity needs attention as it doesn't suggest this, theres lots of positivity within this product and the business model and it needs expressing more through a concise visual language. 

The rustic use of material and element of craft works though, it has organic connotations and a sense of health through the idea of home made food product as theres usually links between home made food and high quality preservative and chemical free ingredients. 

"Our mission is to change the way people think about here their food comes from and rebuild the relationship from seed to plate. Education is at the core of what we do. Opening a physical space will allow us to hold events, workshops, cooking classes and bring the community together. Currently, Lizzy's superfood smoothies are distributed through fitness studios, at farmers markets and a grocery store with a growing network of other vendors"

The name of an organisation needs to be a reflection of the purpose of the business, these quotes outline the personal connection Lizzy has with her products and how they benefit her target audience. I outlined how important a name choice is within a brand identity while Wheeler suggests the name should communicate "the essence of the brand" while a little long the name Lizzy's All Natural Superfood Smoothie Shop has positive connotations and good communications of the purpose of the business with the word "Superfood" drawing in positive connotations. 

Wally Ollins talks about how important positivity within a brand name is, the organisation "sunlight" played on this positivity falsely, its important to be truthful about every aspect of the business and the sustainable and traceable approach to ingredient sourcing demonstrates this within this smoothie shop. 

"Lizzy's was founded on the principles of traceability, sustainability and quality. With each product, I strive to educate my clients about where each ingredient comes from, why iv used it and how it will help their body"

"Superfood are foods that are crazy high in nutrients. In other words, they offer the most bang for your nutritional buck - the greatest health value given their size and caloric value"

Focus on emulating end reflecting the purpose of the business through branding was the opening point made in my essay and as Klien points out branding is "The corporate personality" while Wheeler outlines a "Brand is not what you say it is. Its what they say it is"

"My dream is to teach and empower my generation in China about out health and how to use food as a tool for healing and restoring. To put it simply I want to help people eat better. And I believe that is possible through two ways: First, by teaching people more about where their food comes from and how it can be preventative medicine. Second, is actually providing accessible, affordable and delicious foods." 

"China, where residents face enormous challenges finding clean food that we can trust

"The fast paced lifestyle in the city means most people turn to packaged fast foods which are full of preservatives and chemicals" 

Starbucks payed particular attention to portraying ethical consideration within there store fronts, I could present a flip side to this with a well informed proposal for interior and exterior design that takes into consideration education and community alongside food related health products.

"This storefront doubles as a health educational space"

"The layout and design of this shop are intended to facilitate community interaction, conversation and learning"

Trying to make a difference in a specific location, raising awareness and attempting to solve a problem.
"Those of us who live here experience fear and stress everyday trying to find foods we can trust and that make us feel good. We are also all exposed to a heavy toxin load due to high levels of pollution, industrial waste and chemicals"

"There is still a lack of transparency and traceability in the food industry in particular. Many people have no idea where their food is coming from, what ingredients where used, or how food was made. Even vegetables are extremely risky as most commercial farms here are using dangerously high level of pesticides, antibiotics, hormones and other chemicals."

This shows honesty within the sourcing of ingredients and consideration to more environmental issues as well as health benefits, using branding to show this consideration across every aspect of the business model will not gain trust from the consumer. Ying solidifies this presentation of strong ethics in a brand for business success "An ethical brand enhances the firms reputation"

The difference been here that the reputation and success will be for doing good, its important to promote these rare kind of business's. 

No hidden factors behind the production.
"I am completely open about the sources of my ingredients and where I get items like vegetable wash I apply, water filtration system I use and my cleaning process"

Consideration to sustainable packaging, every element of the business has an ethical consideration.
"Iv also worked to source packaging that is recycled/or can be upcycled. Given how contaminated many plastics made in China are, Im commited to using glass bottles."

Ying outlines that "The image of a brand can also be affected by non-branding decisions that are made at the marketing or business level" Lizzy's business model goes beyond this, after the product is consumed there is still potential for it to carry on doing good.

People can repurpose the bottles. Consider the repurposing of materials within my brand collateral.
"Other people have gotten creative and used bottles as flower vases or salad dressing holders"

She uses materials in packaging for a multitude of functions, re-using instead of disposing.
"I put a protective skin to prevent breakage which is reused from the skin put on apples and pears when they come to my kitchen

I am 100% committed to providing clean, affordable and delicious drinks & foods"

This consideration to sustainability was outlined in Starbucks identity across there collateral and store fronts, it was falsely portrayed. This organisation takes sustainability to a whole new level and it needs to be a strong focus point of the brand identity.

An expansion on sustainability within every process should be considered from use of ink, paper to the structure and material used in the store interior or exterior. 

Its nice to see that Lizzy's focus isnt about profit, she wants her business to expand but she wants it to expand so she can make a difference further afield than China, solving a multitude of issues. 

Roberts and Ying brought me to the conclusion that ethical branding is a tool for success rather than actual beneficial change, I really want to rebel against these thoughts and show how Lizzy and her business reject these suggestions. 

"Money can be a distorting factor in all aspects of life and work"

"The paradox is that the more successful a brand is in the marketplace, the more likely its branding strategy may become ethically questionable" 

Theres no issues with this though, the success of this brand within the health and community sector will only result in a stronger ethical brand as her business plan progress's into more sub categories focusing on; sustainability, health, environment, social change and accessible/affordable products. 

Further reading & Visual Investigation 
Further reading into Designing Brand Identity by Wheeler. A will provide guidance on applying theoretical aspects into practice as this acts as a crash course on every aspects of the branding process I can apply everything I have learnt within the essay investigation through this process. 
Wheeler. A (2013), Designing Brand Identity. 4th ed. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

"Who are you? Who needs to know? How will they find out?" 
(Wheeler, 2013, p2)

Fully understanding the purpose of the business and what/who they are will help me then target who the specific target audience is and how to distribute the message too them through brand identity and relevant collateral materials. Thought ideas and testing; Who, What, Why and How will form a basis for initial ideas. 

"A brand becomes stronger when you narrow the focus"
(Wheeler, 2013, p 16)

The focus is for healthy food and drink products to be made accessible for people but there is also sub sections within the business model that brings in a sense of community, environmental factors and education which is also important, while the sourcing of the ingredients is another important factor. A concept that clearly defines all these aspects needs to be thought of to produce a strong brand image. 

Insight from Wolf Olins & Nathan Williams
(Wheeler, 2013, p19)

Good guidance on how to design a strong brand experience, theres lots of background factors that need to be considered before even approaching visual exploration, a lot of this comes from narrowing down and analyzing factors within the business model, a lot of these points Lizzy meets perfectly.

Ubiquitous, she is trying to make the product accessible over the whole of China, both low cost and effective distribution is her focus with the customer and the benefits this product will bring them as a focus throughout. 

Social especially, theres certainly a connection between the customer and product through community workshops events and a sense of education with each product bought with explanation on the health benefits and the ingredient sourcing. 

Semantic,  theres no hidden information here. Everything is presented to the target audience from production, sourcing, ingredients to health benefits and her plans on solving health issues in Shanghai.

Sentient, theres considerations to the real world within her business model, she wants to make a difference in a struggling city that suffers from pollution and clean food sourcing issues its more than just making healthy products.

Human interaction is something I want to expand on, she wants ease of distribution with consideration to packaging so proposing use of material and production methods will help place her business concept into a simple well communicated distribution outcome. 

Brand Ideals overview 
(Wheeler, 2013, p29)
The main focus point to take from this snapshot of what makes an ideal brand is consideration to how the business operates within;
Sustainability - Through packaging, clean sourced ingredients, organic ingredients, recycled packaging, honesty.
Commitment & Vision - Committed to solving an issue for clean, healthy, cheap health foods, no consideration to profit just a consideration for the end users benefits. 
Differentiation - Cheap, accessible, no preservatives, organic, amazing health benefits
Flexibility/Authenticity - Lots of combinations of flavors not only for taste preferences but for a range of health benefits, these health benefits are explained in information packs that come with the drinks. Explaining the reasoning behind the use of ingredients, what benefits they bring and where they were sources. Nothing is hidden. 

Find a way of emulating these through a narrowed down focused concept and final visual resolution.

Plato - First Alcibiades 
(Wheeler, 2013, p34)
This chart shows how the visual outcome is only the finishing point of a concept, there are lots of pre-considerations that need to be made when generating ideas, the main ones been the core message of the brand, the target audience and how this can be visualized within a focused and narrowed down concept. Then visual exploration can be made. 

Sustainability "Trademarks, by definition, must last well beyond the fashion of the moment"
(Wheeler, 2013, p46)
Health products and smoothies are quite trend driven at the moment, but what makes Lizzy's concept different is the extra consideration she takes, the education, the sense of community, the sourcing of ingredients and the consideration to materials is what makes her so sustainable and stand out from the rest. Other companies like herbalife and detox teas are just there for the profit as they are quite expensive, Lizzy proposes cost effective solutions. 

Lettermarks, Pictorial Marks and Abstract Marks
(Wheeler, 2013, p54-59)
I need to consider the logo as the "Gateway to a brand" as mentioned in my essay, it should be the main focus point it needs to work solo and on collateral and needs to be flexible in a sense of size and color application. There are a few approaches I can go down:

Lettermark's are distinctive and create quite a focal point for a visual representation of a brand, there versatile and apply well to a range of collateral but theres no real room for strong asthetics and image based design to carry a message. 

Icons, or pictorial marks are visually recognizable and the use of image can represent different aspects of a brand. The secret to a successful pictorial mark is to simplify down a complex concept into a stripped back visual icon that uses light, shadow, negative space, positioning and balance.

Abstract marks allow more visual elements to be brought in to reflect multiple messages, theres a lot of positive elements of Lizzy's business I want to show so consideration to a well executed brand mark would allow me to produce a strategic and effective outcome. 

Gael Towey's opinions on color application 
(Wheeler, 2013, p150)

As was mentioned in my essay, color can be a main focus point of a design and can reflect the purposes of the business or can be manipulated to suit the target audience of the product. 

Interesting points made here suggest that 60% of decisions to buy a product is based on color, there are lots of positive connotations to explore with these smoothie products allowing me to explore lots of color theories, while visual representations of fruits and veg can very easily be carried out across color.

Color needs to work across the whole brand collateral, not just for one element. Consistency is the key. 

Typographic decisions 
(Wheeler, 2013, p155)

Typography can have its own personality and like color can be used solo to reflect a concept or message in itself, so careful consideration to the interaction of color, type, and image will help create a focused visual response that represent multiple elements without causing confusion. 

More theory based research will be gathered as an expansion from the previous outlined quotes and explanations within my essay through reading of;
Olins, W (2003). On Brand. London: Thames & Hudson.

"Fast moving consumer goods companies have lost the initiative. It has passed to more innovative players with better sense for the new market place"
(Olins, 2003, p47)

This describes Lizzy's positioning within the food and drink industry, capitalizing and presenting her innovative and considered approach to making a difference needs to be shown to stand out from the big corporate food & drink companies who don'f take an ethical stance to business.

Lizzy has ethical:
Product sourcing
Use of ingredients
Social interactions
Non profit focus

"Overall because branding is about creating and sustaining trust it means delivering on promises. The best and most successful brands are completely coherent. Every aspect of what they do and what they are reinforces everything else"
(Olins, 2003, p171)

There is lots of potential trust within Lizzy's business model, again capitalizing on these factors and presenting them in clear and well presented ways will hep reinforce a good customer trust and the recognition of an ethical food and drink company. 

"In a brand the entire experience from first contact to signing off must reinforce and underline trust. Everything must fit. Every tiny piece must reinforce everything els. The brand must feel the same, wherever you touch it, or come into contact with it. Whether you are buying from it, selling to it, in partnership with it, dealing in its shares, there must be consistency of attitude, style and culture"
(Olins, 2003, p195)

Consider every touch point, every decision decision, every visual and production decision needs to be informed by the underlying message and purpose of Lizzy's focus on making a change within her food & drink company. Visual research will influence these design decisions.

Roberts, L (2006). Good: An introduction to ethics in graphic design. Switzerland: AVA publishing.

An issue raised by Roberts on responsibility of the designer suggests that contributing in "clean" graphic design come down to what work the designer does and how they present it through medium and message. Theres no issues in presenting clean graphic design here so from the outset Im making a moral decision and theres lots of ethical view points to put across within the branding. 

"Although most graphic design is ephemeral, each piece conveys a message and with this comes a responsibility" 
(Roberts, 2006, p144)

Visual & practical research 
Link all this theory, essay expansion and further reading to practical and visual research to influence how I can communicate the essence of the brand and its ethical stance to the target persona. 

The whole brand identity is quite current and contemporary in its appearance, the abstract logo contrasts with the functional Futura typeface used within the brand identity while the whole visual language references natural resources, economics and recycling through the use of: 
Moving image

All to represent an idea of how old becomes new through the representation of circles.
The logo has quite a scientific aesthetic too it, moving image within this icon simulates orbits and the change of energy while referencing recycling. 

Although simple all these elements work together effectively to tie together an effective brand image. 

RÅ Organic Skincare
Organic is visualized literally through the use of imagery that references nature, contrast this natural feel with clean use of type and image and theres a balance between contemporary and tradition made to show considered representation of sustainability and business purpose.  

The subtle use of color further references ideas of health and wellbeing, and the simple and effective visual language is used cohesively across all touch points.  

Skylight Farm
The business been branded here shows the start point can itself be the ethical focus of a brand identity, Skylight Farm is a biodiverse, organic vegetable farm. 

The identity references vintage farm level as a way of showing consideration to heritage and history, giving a feeling of tradition. A time when there was no preservatives or nasty chemicals. 

Use of material is what drew me in here, all paper is 100% recycled seed paper, these papers can be planted to grow a product. The product is embedded into the packaging, something I said is what makes Lizzy's repurposing of products impressive. 

La Patente
Like Lizzy theres a sense of community within La Patente business plan who hold workshops that reference issues that are overlooked such as cooking, gardening and crafts. 

The language references handwork, naturalness, health, creativity, participation, collaboration through learning and a sense of community. Through this there is a mixture of innovative and contemporary details, clean type interacts with hand made rustic illustrations to show a contrast of contemporary and traditional business aspects. 

Milk Design Studio 
Milk is a contemporary design studio that takes alternative approaches to work, this is reflected within the abstract use of orange which reflects the name "Milk" having a playful tone of voice can often create a strong brand identity. 

What I like is how the color and use of type is the main focus point of the design, keeping the way the message is presented minimal yet concise allowing alterations of layout and use of space to create distinction between all the collateral.

Pop & Pac
Another example of how effective minimalist design can be, allowing the use of color, stock, and deconstruction to be the main focus point of a brand identity. Here it certainly references the idea of "Move" through the deconstruction of glyphs. 

The use of grey references physicality, something I need to consider when visualizing ingredients and the product. 


OS-A Creative studio
Tone of voice can be referenced through type, image and color. A professional tone of voice has been presented here through neatness, and neutral tones but the alignment and positioning gives off ideas of functionality with more abstract warping of type showing rebellion and creativity. A contrast of tone of voice and function. 

A simple and effective use of type and layout to help solidify a visual representation of a word. So effective but so simple, the bold, uppercase geometric sans serif typeface with wide tracking and lots of negative space within a centre aligned position certainly creates a visual reference of BAR.

An idea to take form this would be to take the word Lizzy and present her personality and moral approach to business and her personal connection she wants with her target market. 

When using minimalist typography it can often be difficult to achieve structure in layouts, by using lines as a visual reference for grids there is an element of structure and alignment achieved. 

A brand color can often become quite focused when used in minimal ways, while minimal color application can reduce print costs to aid sustainabiluty within the production cost. 

Minimal medicine packaging
Minimalism really supports the idea of cleanliness and health as is presented here with this medicine brand. The idea of cleanliness is supported through the use of glass while the stripped back monochrome logo creates a contrast of tone that supports the interactive and tactile feel within the molecule diagrams. 

The use of molecule diagrams creates a literal representation of the purpose of the brand and the clean sans serif typeface supports the clinical feel within the minimalist layout. 

The use of neon pink references chemicals but not in an offensive way, medicine is often made up of many ingredients but it is for a good purpose so maintaining this beneficial tone of voice is important and reflected here quite well. 

Sustainable Production
Theres already a strong consideration to sustainable packaging alongside the sustainable sourcing of ingredients within Lizzy's business plan but further investigation will be made based on her proposal of re-use of packaging, not just for general use like the bottles used as vases but how the materials from the packaging can be recycled or re-purposed or be used for other functional tasks. 

Tomorrow machine
Tomorrow machine specialize in package, product and food concepts so provide perfect inspiration for the branding of Lizzy's superfood smoothies, they share a similar view point of hers with a "Vision as designers is to build a better world through research, new technologies & intelligent material." They "believe in looking at science from a creative point of view to shape the innovations of tomorrow"

Decomposition of packaging is a main issue for the environment and a current cause of issues in China where Lizzy's business is based, these packaging proposals not only have decomposable packaging made from natural material they also support the life span of products, enhancing there life span without the aid of chemicals and preservatives. Something Lizzy is well against. 

"Rice packaging made of biodegradable beeswax. To open it you peel it like a fruit. The package is designed to contain dry goods, for example grains and rice"

Seaweed and water are the only components used to make this package, whats good about this is that the package will wither at the same rate as its content, giving you a visual indication of the freshness of the product. Made for drinks that have short lifespans like Lizzy's smoothies due to the freshness and purity of the ingredients packaging like this would really aid her presentation of freshness and pureness. 

One of my favorites is this oil package, incorporating the product within the packaging. Made up of caramelized sugar coated with wax. To open it you crack it exposing the material with the water within the coating of the package causing it to melt and mix with the oil based contents. 

A proposal for an indoor growing kit for growing micro greens at home, the packaging is made from renewable sheets of plastic which folds up into a self-contained greenhouse. This could influence an expansion on what the packaging from the smoothie bottles could be re-purposed for?

The growing medium is a seaweed based gel, it contains its own moisture so theres no need to water the greens as the roots absorb moisture from the gel while the clear gel allows you to appreciate the growing process, this interactivity and accessibility reflects the education and involvement Lizzy wants with her customers and products and proposing something like this would be an interesting addition to her workshops and event.s 

A self expanding instant food package that uses different sustainable considerations, it saves space within transportation by been compressed and is made of 100% bio degradable materials, when hot water is poured into the package a reaction within the material causes the package to expand into a serving bowl.  

Consider the use of both smart and environmentally friendly materials and process's for my outcome. 

Typeface should be affordable, to keep things in line with the idea of sustainability and accessibility costs need to be kept down within the branding.  

Greenprinters & Sustainable printing 
Printing is often been looked down upon when it comes to impact on the environment, but relevant solution for this would be the proposal of soya and vegetable inks. The natural use of inks would also fit with the raw fruit and veg ingredients as the main focus of the business so keeps things linked and relevant. 

The other obvious ways of reducing printing impact is to:
Reduce paper usage
Double side print
Print with less ink, minimal use of color and volume of ink on the page.

Risograph printing is an option too as they tend not to use a lot of ink and far less electricity and large amounts of work can be printed out fast and efficiently. The print style often benefits from recycled paper and banana paper due to the texture and how it holds the ink.

Initial ideas & Problem to solve
Taking forward all the relevant theory's and analyses from my essay with supported further reading and visual investigation into brand identity's I will begin generating ideas that solve a problem of; presenting the range of benefits within Lizzy's superfood smoothie business to a wide range of potential target audiences. 

Making the product stand out from commercial food and drink brands that saturate the market will be an issue that needs to be overcome too. 

Consideration to culture and different persona's need to be made all within an outcome that has a focused presentation of the purpose of the business ranging from consideration to:
Health and Wellbeing
Sourcing of clean grown chemical, pesticide and preservative free organic ingredients and recipes.
Education, Community and social contexts
Sustainability within in ingredients, packaging and production
Accessibility and affordability

Connote community and education by adding a sense of involvement within the brand image and the information of benefits and focus on change within the business plan.

Lizzy's All Natural is quite a personal name with the involvement of her name. Take this personality and how Lizzy focus's on connecting with her target audience into visuals that suggest involvement and interaction.

Show health through colour connotations, take influence from iconic superfoods, to create a sense of education through colour explore a relationship between colour as a way of showing health, the ingredients and the specific benefits these ingredients have. For example pomegranate benefiting blood circulation could be shown through red. 

Clean and honest sourcing of quality and pesticide/preservative free ingredients shown through minimal aesthetics, clean and spacious layouts, nothing is hidden, no distractions, an idea of purity. 

To expand on emulation of health and show consideration to culture and heritage the main focus points mentioned will be backed up by influence from traditional Chinese medicine. Theres medicinal benefits of the products and a focus on making small changes to create an overall large scale change over time.

"About encouraging people  too make small posotive daily changes 

This idea of progress will take influence from a time where Chinese food and use of ingredients was synonymous with health and well being. 

Balance would inform good visual response in terms of layout, sizing, tones, colour, weight.

Progression could be shown too through the idea of scaling and positioning to show the idea of change.

Denote positivity. 

Balance Ying Yang. 
Contrast of Light & Dark. 
Formless & Form could be interpretated through deconstruction progressing to structure to show change. 
Lack of yang is caused by injury, bad food and physical suffering this is the main benefit that Lizzy's product aim to solve. 
As people age they lose yang, replenishing this would show a focus on longevity for older generations.