Monday 27 April 2015

Outline proposal for COP 3

Outline proposal for COP 3

Starting point to develop an investigation on. 
This proposal is a rough idea that is subject to changes. 

Use summer break as an opportunity for explorations, investigations, research, ideas etc.

Focus question on a specific outcome or direction for both theory and practical outcome. 

Primary sources, investigate potential methods relevant to idea. 

Aim the proposal around my creative interests,both theory and practical, 

2.5 hours 1-1 tuition time for written aspect with a designated supervisor chosen specific to area of specialism. 

Proposal to contain
Aims & Objectives
Idea of general research and specific focus research 
Methodology and how I will approach the topic
Required preparations; practical, quantitate/qualitative research, reading, primary, secondary 
Potential problems


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