Sunday 4 May 2014

Thumbnails for publication

Thumbnails for publication

Created a selection of thumbnails to take forward into further digital development to give me an idea of how I can work with my content within the negative space of a page spread. 

Using my visual research I began taking forward the idea of a minimalist aesthetic and layout I produced thumbnails for ultra simple and clean design layouts.

This first example visualizes an idea of presenting large, bold headers with long line length body copies with delicate and small folio numbering systems, with a simple left alignment of type and image from left to right to aid the eye in reading information in its natural direction. I want to omit a sense of direction in the design though so need to get the eye moving around the page. 

Got the eye moving around the page to add a sense of movement by adding larger numbering systems, and splitting the body copy into columns of text to help the eye bounce around the page through smaller chunks of body text and the addition of a little more negative space in a more considered, and structured layout.

Tried to omit movement by angling body copy, adding linear visual elements, angling headers and placing the numbering system in a random fashion. Don't like this though it just looks a random confusing mess. I want the information to be clearly understood, especially the viewing of the images of the sneaker design as this is the main aspect. This would just be a visual headache if i went to the development stage with it. 

I did like the angled headers though and the addition of more simple linear elements so played around with horizontal headers to frame text up. This appeared to work well, with movement provoked around the page from the angled headers and the alignment of the folio numbering system on a horizontal spine rather than at the bottom of the page. The layout idea makes good use of the negative space keeping the eye moving to represent movement influenced by the trainer name Jeito which translates to Way, suggesting movement and direction. 

Tried out the layouts without the visual line too, this works too so will try this out in the digital development. 

Rough idea of how the publication could look, a simple saddle stitch and bound publication with tabs for each section of the look book by shortened and extended pages.

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