Sunday 26 October 2014

Social Interaction theories of identity Study Task 1

Social Interaction theories of identity Study Task 1

We were required to read the document "Theories of identity" pages 331-341 to achieve some key things these been to:

Understand how to close read an academic text.

Use a secondary text as an introduction to key theoretical texts. 

Discuss how identity theories can inform my Graphic Design practice. 

After reading the text we were then to summarize key concepts and terminology of each theory (Strykers & McCall/Simmons) gathered from a group discussion. Then compare and contrast each theory. 

Summary gathered from discussion & reading of document
The identities & salience hierarchy section of Strykers theory communicated to me some key things noticed in modern society today and can be placed into real world examples of these theories. 

Salience Hierarchy is the:
"The various identities that comprise the self… are ranked. The highest are most likely to be invoked in situations that involve different aspects of the self" (Andreassi, Desrochers & Sargent).

An expectation of others is one obvious one, people of different levels of a hierarchy within certain areas have a certain fulfillment to achieve. One example of this I thought of was the hierarchy within a workplace, the middle layer of management i.e. assistant managers are expected to carry alot of work on for the benefit of people higher above them in the hierarchy. One element of this is to impress them for future promotion and one is for them to take all the credit for all there hard work, and this system works even further down the hierarchy, the work these middle layer managers present to there colleagues is carried out by people at the bottom of the hierarchy. Standard workers who are tasked with all the middle layer managers jobs they are given. 

This theory of how hierarchy works within the workplace touch's on structures within the connections of people, and the environment there in. People invent and portray a certain image depending on the environment there placed in, in the workplace they portray a professional image, in social interactions this professional image is transformed into a more casual output with more conversational language been used more relevant to every day situations rather than business languages used in the workplace. This also suggest's how a persons identity depends on the situation & the location.

A certain element of stereotyping is obvious within Strykers theory of identities and salience hierarchy. An image someone portrays of themselves in social & professional environments often puts them into a certain categorization within other peoples opinions. For example somebody who dresses up in a suit & tie is often stereotyped to be a person of a business profession, or someone who doesn't care about there appearance and dresses casual can often be portrayed as someone lower class. A similar example of this was through the sub-trend of the Mod's who dressed up in smart clothing but were often more middle class or lower class people. 

Social hierarchy is another aspect that is obvious within this section of text linking back to previous mentioning of social class's and how they are stereotyped along with aspects of role performance & professional working environment hierarchies were different classes of workers have different roles, expectations and pay grade's. The higher the pay grade the less work that person physically does, instead work is passed down and down the hierarchy to lower leveled workers who get less money and less recognition for the job role they do. 

An element of self-esteem is highlighted to effecting peoples salience of hierarchy within there roles in society, what I get from this is if people believe in themselves subconsciously they can build and progress within these certain hierarchies advancing in there roles in society. 

George J.McCall & J.L Simmons theory of identity 1960

Analyzing this document will help me contrast and analyses key theories from this text and the Stryker's theory. 

Role performances are improved within the suggestions in this text. 

Suggestions on these role performance improvements come from a reflection of an idealized self, subconscious positive internal image recognition in ones self can help advance there roles within the salience hierarchy mentioned by Stryker.  

This positive reflection of ones self identity is the driving force of there behavior to achieve the success they desire. If someone desires something enough in there conscious mind subconsciously they can achieve these things. 

Hierarchies of prominence is similar to the hierarchy of role identity's I have previously mentioned based on social and professional environments. 

Interactions between these hierarchies are descried in an ambiguous & unstructured way compared to Strykers opinions on the matter. 

Altercating is:

"A tactic for persuading people by forcing them in a social role, so that they will be inclined to behave according to that role" 

This definition hints back to an aspect of stereotyping but on a more personal level, if a person is placed in role they are expected to achieve certain guidelines within this role. For example someone lower down the hierarchy in a workplace is giving a variety of job roles to fulfill with promised opportunities of promotion and recognition but really its all false promises as recognition hard to receive due to people higher in the hierarchy taking credit. 

A key thing I got from this document was how cultures see brand identity's one example I found of this was how Samsung is perceived as a high brand in more lower developed companies but in countries were they are very technology developed this brand can be perceived as just a standard mediocre brand.  



Blog a 300-500 word discussion on the similarities/connections between interactionist identity theory and psychoanalysis: 

Ego-Ideal (Freud) - (In Freudian theory) The part of the mind which imposes on itself concepts of ideal behaviour developed from parental and social standards.

Desire (Freud/Lacan) - A strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.

ID, Ego, Super Ego (Freud) - Super ego - the part of a person's mind that acts as a self-critical conscience, reflecting social standards learned from parents and teachers.

ID - Identification

Ego - Noun - a person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance.

Psychoanalysis - the part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity.
Philosophy - (In metaphysics) a conscious thinking subject.

The mirror stage (Lacan)

Chose one or 2 specific things to analyze in detail. Defining all the terminology in the task will help me undertake the task more successfully. 

For this task I am going to focus on theories on Ego-ideal theories from Sigmund Freud's writing and compare them to the thoughts I read into of Strykers & George J.McCall & J.L Simmons theories on identity.

Frauds theory suggests that the ego ideal is part of the super ego (part of a persons mind that acts as a self critical conscience reflecting social standards learned from there up bringing) psychoanalytic theory of ones personality. 

The rules a person follows for there every day life often derives from paretal figures in there initial infant stage (ID) and living by these set of rules leads to feelings of pride, value, accomplishment or negative feelings of guilt can be portrayed when you go against these codes. 

The ego ideal is outlines by Freud as an image we have of our ideal self. The person we want to become, its an image people live by and is often influenced by people we know and love. Inspirations and influences form people we strive to be. 

This theory can be compared to one of Strykers theories I expanded on based on elements of self-esteem and how it can effect peoples positioning in the salience hierarchy, based on the psychoanalysis theories of Freuds suggestions of one turning there subconscious thoughts into a reality brings me to an understanding that people can achieve what they want to achieve if they think positively enough. 

Expectations of others (Stryker theory) is something that is also quite comparable to Freud's, the moulding of ones identity comes from somebody surroundings. Their ideal self is influenced by their positioning within this salience hierarchy as well as there environment so their Identity can vary greatly depending on there upbringing or positioning within a social environment. 

This ego ideal (Frued) can be moulded around ones reflection of an idealized self (George J.McCall & J.L Simmons) an progression within their roles within certain environment. If they produce an internal image of themselves in this position there conscious mind will produce it into a physical reality. 

Ones upbringing (Freud) can also have an instant impact on there salience hierarchy (Stryker) someone coming up from a rich background can put them in a better position within the Hierarchies of prominence. (George J.McCall & J.L Simmons)

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