Wednesday 13 May 2015

Writing and formatting correctly - Study Task 5

Writing and formatting correctly - Study Task 5

Martin O'Dea 
BA (Hons) Graphic Design 2013/14

How are the combination of fabrication technologies and open innovation changing the design process int the 21st Century?

Underlining and double spacing differentiates sections of the writing while linking information together, making reading and digestion of information quite consistent.  

Bold large point size Titles.

Underlined subtitles, good hierarchy. 

Large quotes have there own paragraphs to separate them from the analytic writing.

Italics used to name books within citations. 

Tone of voice 
Very technical when talking about design related subjects, paints quite a vivid picture even with the addition of strong theoretical quotes. Formal tone of voice aids this. 

How points are brought across is very concise, theres no complex language used that dilute the points put across within the essay.

Referencing differs using apostrophe marks for singular quotes, speech marks for quotes within quotes.  

Uses the, this and because to start paragraphs, this could be quite informal but at the same time flows well and is concise which is what makes this essay so easy to read and allows a more technical tone of voice. 

Very descriptive use of words to help visualize some aspects. 

Nathan Bolton 
BA (Hons) Graphic Design 2013/14

Is Print Still Relevant within the Digital Age?

Uses speech marks for quotations and citations but not in italics. 

Split up into multiple chapters and sections to ease reading and help create a focus on certain arguments.

Expands on points to justify arguments, tying in and triangulating references. 

Quite specific in the discipline the writing is discussing, expanding and focusing on print related issues and subjects. 

Tone of voice 
Quite investigative, probing language with lots of technical language supports this idea of and investigative tone.

Theres lots of comparisons within sources and examples or work that supports this analytical and ivestigative tone of voice. 

References a large range of sources, this helps inform strong decisions, although they are quite focused to the creative industry. The essay is on Print and its relevance within the Digital but communication is something that goes further than this so analyzing broader sources would give more informed decisions. 

Uses theory based vocabulary and technical visual vocabulary to merge together theory and reflective practice, using theoretical language and sources strengthens the arguments on visual communication. 

Eve Warren 
BA (Hons) Graphic Design 

How has the globalisation of the role of the trendsetter and the way designers consume trends changed due to society's exposure to the web?

Indenting large quotes within small paragraphs to draw attention to them as quotes and not investigative writing.

Quite long and expansive sentences, lots of information within on sentence. Very in-depth analyse of information. 

Tone of voice 
Use of rhetorical questions create quite a suggestive tone of voice, arguing a point within the use of language.  

References social, theoretical sources to help inform a question related to sources on creativity and modern technology, this range of sources really helps strengthen her conclusion on the role of trends. 

Good use of case studies to inform an argument.

A range of creatives who follow different styles have been interviews to gain a range of influence to the content of the essay.

Strong use of theoretical language, helps really strengthen arguments that are aimed around creative disciplines.

Aspects that will inform my writing
Good idea for gathering an informed body of research relevant to an issue relating to a certain subject is to interview a specialist within this area. This would give me the opportunity to expand on and focus in on specific issues within a broader subject to establish a more informed opinion or argument. 

For example Eve Warrens interview with Amy West helping inform her opinions on the relevance of trends.

"Do you think following trends is an essential phase that young designers must go through?"

The structure of all these dissertations was very functional, it had a good flow and everything was well communicated and linked together well. There was a section for photographs, a section for interviews & appendices, and a section for bibliography all separated into chapters so things were referenced through fig which are imbedded into the text. 

I like how broad the areas of research and investigation are, opinions are formed from sources of information wider afield. Rather than just narrowing down research and investigating creative disciplines more informed decisions can be gathered by looking into other aspects like;
It all helps strengthen points.

Use of " and ' where relevant for quotes within quotes, these layered quotes would strengthen arguments. 

Analyze more than 2 sources, 3 sources form a stronger argument. 

Consider the relationship between tradition, modern/current and future oriented theories to inform a sustainable argument.

All the essays have a formal tone of voice overall and concise presentation of information aided by good use of language and structure within the layout and flow of information. 

Broad range of sources to inform strong arguments.

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