Saturday 16 May 2015

Module Evaluation

Module Evaluation

What Skills have I developed through this module and how effectively did I apply them?
My theory skills and how I apply them to concepts has developed no end from last year, I was quite limited with subjects I explored last year been quite safe in terms of how I found research relevant to questions and issues. This year I have learnt to look further a field into different contexts, looking into more than just creative disciplines. Expanding to social, environmental, technology, ethical, all within a focused specialism on branding. 

Branding isn't just about been creative in terms of aesthetics, theres lots of theory to consider and I see the expanded areas of research as a good way of informing well executed brand outcomes specifically targeted at a target persona with focus on emulating important purposes and contextual aspects of the business. 

Reading skills have developed, learning to skim read has allowed me to pin point issues that inform my research and helped establish an answer to my essay question. 

Conceptual skills have developed further, generating stronger concepts focusing on my area of branding but taking into more contextual factors aimed at solving theoretical problems rather than looking at aesthetics' and how they can be used to portray a message. 

Research skills, looking into these theories will allow me to add a deeper depth of understanding to concepts in all modules not just COP in the future. 

What approaches & methods of design principles, production and concepts have I developed and how have they informed my development process?
I have learnt how to relate theory to practice, expanding on making clear established links between my essay, the issues raised and research within a practical response.

Every design decision had a reason behind it, based on a strong concept that fit with my essay and the issues it raised. They weren't just aesthetic decisions they had theoretical justification through the exploration of color, typography and layout while further consideration to production and use of material showed deeper consideration.

Using vegetable inks, soya inks, recycled paper, banana and hemp paper and other repurposed materials to meet ethical issues raised in my essay. Showing a clear link between theory and practice. 

Concepts had a very strong consideration to ethics within the exploration of culture, heritage/history and use of design principles and aesthetics to emulate a business image and strong theories. 

Considering print techniques has also took a strong consideration to theories, accepting limitations to meet environmental needs shows ethical considerations within my design outcomes. 

Typography justification went past the requirements of legibility and impact and started to look into more theoretical justifications, showing how it can be used to carry a wide variety of theoretical contexts to be one of the main focus points of a brand identity. 

What strengths where obvious within my work and how can I expand on these?
Looking into academic sources was something I looked at this time round and it has really helped my understanding of theories and how I can apply them within my emerging practice this year not just in COP but all modules where strong theories are needed. I want to keep reading during the summer to help inform my COP3. 

Linking theory to practice, I plan on expanding on this through self initiated experimental design during the summer relating to my COP 3 proposal to gain a base understanding on quite a new subject to me. 

Weaknesses and what  would I do differently next time and what can I gain from doing this?
Read more books, taking research from a number of books and sources rather than focusing on one book. This focus on triangulation will help form stronger arguments within COP 3. 

Skim read and pin point information relevant to an issue and use this as a pivot point for further investigation, branching out into further research to crate a stronger response and answer to an issue. 

Time management, I spent a lot of time researching and not a lot of time taking it into a practical outcome, im happy with the outcome but I feel there was more exploration in terms of aesthetics and use of materials which could have strengthened the overall concept which had lots of relevant potential for reflecting the issues in my essay. Allocating time for practical and theory will establish a better balance and a stronger outcome. 

Playing around with print, production and use of material can strengthen concepts no end. I only used digital print this time round and I feel other print methods could have been seen as more ethical and focused on environmental aspects and sustainability. I could have done better with risograph printing as that is much more sustainable. 

I looked at branding as quite a corporate figure within my research, looking into other creative disciplines that are not under the corporate umbrella will help inform my practice on ethical branding while also informing concepts and stronger ideas on how to emulate medium as message. 

Going on more visits will help form and spark further investigation points and also inform my practice on a primary basis, I also plan on to expand on these primary sources by not only going on more visits but also doing interviews with creatives and people relevant to my practice or a certain issue im researching. 

Attendance = 5
Punctuality = 4
Motivation = 4
Commitment =  4
Quantity of work produced = 3
Quality of work produced = 3
Contribution to the group = 5

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