Monday 10 March 2014

Poster Brief plan of action & time management

Poster Brief plan of action & time management 

Upon analyzing the brief I have broke the brief down into key stages of what needs to done. 

Undergo in-depth research of classic movie posters, modern movie posters with critical analysis  Sucsessful movie posters and unsuccessful movie posters evaluating what makes them successful/unsuccessful. 

Research design work from different sources to inspire more out of the box visual's and concepts rather than literal design styles that are commonly linked with movie posters. 

Watch the film making notes on possible visual and conceptual ideas that could be taken from the film. 

Read movie reviews to see if any critics comments can spark any visual or conceptual ideas. 

Begin making mind maps and word associations with these initial ideas to see if they can be taken further into something more conceptual or just remain literal.
Who is the audience? What is the context? What is the problem I need to solve? What will the method of delivery be?

Create at least 30 rough thumbnails based on these initial ideas & mind mappings. 

Present 10 of these in the interim crit.

Take notes from the interim crit and respond to them to produce 5 more advanced detailed sketches, maybe take ideas here and there from the other initial ideas.

Create a final 3 digital mock ups from these 5 advanced sketches, play about with background color on the Mac based on available paper stocks that can be bought. 

Narrow down to one final design and expose the screen.

Go through the screen print process recording any mistakes along the way with it been a new process to me I need to learn from these mistakes. 

Present the final poster in the final crit and reflect on feedback and personally evaluate the project.

Managing my days and my time within these days will help me keep track on achieving these design stages. 

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