Monday 24 March 2014

Speaking from experience intro

Speaking from experience intro

Today we were briefed on the final studio brief of year 1. We are required to create a graphic response/product/piece of work that makes a explains an experience we had over the course of the first year.

It can be an academic experience or a non academic experience and its important to consider appropriate media and formats to create an entertaining & engaging piece of work to present to next years first years based on our first year of the course at leeds college of art.

The main purpose of the brief is to give the students next year something to make there transition into a first year degree student that little bit easier and make the course and there new home a little less daunting for them.

Taking into consideration my past experiences I will think of numerous ideas before making a final resolution, I will need to consider the tone of voice used. Depending on the concept it will be very informative within its content and language used but not be too corporate and serious. Keep it lighthearted as your target audience isn't in the corporate field it is someone who has been in the same position as you and digesting serious, factual and very text heavy information won't aid the daunting feel and the overwhelming aspect of starting out on a degree course. 

Workshop task
To help us turn out ideas and concepts gathered in our future ideas generation stage we carried out a workshop on the stages we need to go to to take the idea through.

We need to take the base idea and turn it into an actual problem, turn this problem into a question of some sort which can be created into our own personal brief for us to create ourselves and work towards creating a final resolution based on this brief.

For the workshop we were placed into groups of 6.

Paired up into groups of 2 within our group of 6.

And created 5 points based on "5 Things you didn't know when you started the course"
The 5 points I made were.
Screen print
Basic Design principles
Differences between a font & typeface
Presenting work in front of people

We then passed the worksheets around the table to the next pair and marked 2 significant points that they recorded down. 

We then expanded on these "points" and created them into a specific problem, we then chose one of these to expand upon to develop into our own brief to work from.

The term "couldn't cook" was too loose, it was ok as an idea to build upon but it had many ares and interpretations that could be sprung from it. 

We needed to create a specific problem from these words. 'Students moving away from family for the first time struggle to eat healthy food' This is the problem we need to solve.

We worded this into a mockup brief we would work towards producing an outcome from.

Brief: Students moving away from there families for the first time often struggle to cook and eat health food due to lack of experience. (This is the problem)

 With this in mind produce a creative solution which informs students on how to have and maintain a healthy lifestyle/diet (This is the brief outcome instruction to solve the problem)

Background an considerations will help form the content, use of language, and main aspects of the problem to focus in on creating a solidified and successful solution to the problem in hand. 
Health benefits 
Tone of voice 

Mandatory requirements and deliverables will again help us focus and understand exactly what we need to produce in this case they were quite open, the deliverables of the final product need to be backed up by design boards displaying the design stages and decisions and the mandatory requirements were pretty open any solution created needed to have sufficient research within the content of the information and development sheets needed to be displayed along with submission. 

When we have though up an idea through the ideas generation stages we will then produce our own personal brief for our problem in this way using this kind of journey. It would be then a good idea to give the brief out to peers to find out if it all makes sense. Its also a good idea to have in your mind the outcome you want to produce when writing the brief, for example in this a recipe style product would be created be it digital or print. Give the brief out to someone asking quick ideas on resolution options, if the ideas come back and match with your intentions the brief is good to go.

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