Friday 23 October 2015

Revised COP Proposal

Revised COP Proposal

Level 4:
The influence of 80s hip-hop culture and its relationship with urban fashion and how style has recycled from then to now.

Level 5:
What is the role of ethics in creating an effective brand image?

To what extent has typography been influenced by contemporary technologys?

An investigation into how the application and design of typography has changed and developed as a reaction to changing technology and how it has effected the end user along the way.

What research needs to be undertaken into the general and specific contexts of your practice?
Research into how technology has evolved and its use within the application and design of typography.

Look into key movements that have influenced how information is communicated, obviously the Guttenberg press will be a key one but analyse all the elements used in these process’s and discuss there key benefits and advantages over older methods.

Has the purpose of typography changed from been something aimed at effective communication to something with more niche purposes; investigating custom typefaces, display/header faces, moving image, physical typefaces.

What where and who was involved in key periods of development of typography, the pioneers and main points of change within typography.

Research traditional and contemporary typography both theoretical and visual analysing them with supporting research as well as my own analysis of what I understand to be contemporary typographic principles.

Trends and there impact on contemporary typography.

How has the distribution of typefaces changed, for example from physical ownership of metal type and woodblock type too letraset to digital replications of old traditional typefaces through font foundrys (budget and high end).

The potential of new technology within the creative industry and its potential impact on typography.

Post and pre-internet art and design and relevance to how it relates to typography.

Research into the relationship between medium and message within typographic principles and the visual resolution of them.

Research into the history of typography design and communication of information.

How has Social & Cultural issue’s been considered within typography design and the use of typography within Graphic Design over periods of time for example Jonathan Barnbrook typefaces have political concepts or Vignelli subway map.

Movements within Art & Design over time from renaissance to more contemporary movements and how these movements within art and design have effected communication of information and typography.

What approach(es) will you take and what processes, methods, materials and tools are to be involved in research into your practice?
Physical research, making work as a reaction to research and investigations.

Feedback on physical work to help inform arguments or further points of investigation.

Interviewing a wide range of creative’s from different areas of design to inform opinions on how the industry has changed from traditional Graphic Design principles to the Digital era.

Interview a range of creative who take different approaches to there practice and how it informs there final outcomes and the works purpose.

Go to exhibitions, museums and events to gain primary research.

Explore the physical properties of work, rather than just reading about the work if possible gain a deeper understanding by interacting with the work and analysing it to spark new investigations.

Go to events and talks like nicer Tuesdays.

Read books, articles, forums and journals as a main reference for secondary material.

What preparation or investigations do you need to undertake for your creative practice to take place?
Establish a hypothesis or argument to create a visual response too as a means of answering a question or argument.

Research existing physical work relating to technology, typography and progression of print.

Compile together a reading list based on technology, typography and progression of print.

Plan exhibition visits, events and talks, look out on blogs and magazines for relevant subjects within my research investigation that can give opportunity to visual responses.

Look into how typography and graphic design has developed both for communication purposes and style/trend purposes.

Plan feedback sessions at set dates.
What research do you need to undertake regarding who your creativity is for?
Target audience and how typography design has been developed for them.

How people now digest information both digital and print and how they used to digest it.

How typography is distributed to designers, type foundries both contemporary and traditional.
Primary Sources of Information
Description - Dalton Maag
Location -

Description - Interview Snask
Location -

Description - Anthony Burrill
Location -

Secondary Sources of Information The typographic experiment – Teal Triggs 
You are here: Art after the internet – Omar Kholeif
Elephant magazine on Post Internet Art
Eye magazine Type Special
Medium is the Message – Marshall McLuhan
Pretty Ugly: Visual Rebelion in Design – Twopoints
Graphic Design Theory – Meredith Davis
Pioneers of Modern Typography – Herbert Spencer
Essential McLuhan
The Gutenberg Galazy – Marshall McLuhan
Studio Culture – Unit Editions
The New Typography – Jan Tshichold
An Essay on Typography – Eric Gill
Anatomy of a Trend – Henrik Vejlgaard

Perceived problems or difficulties:

Getting replies back from professionals, questions asked will need to be too the point and focused on a few key points so they don’t get confused with what they read.

Creating a focused hypothesis based on my research question that allows a number of key elements to be analysed to strengthen an argument within a set of structured chapters.

Focusing down research sources so information gathered for arguments don’t start been diluted and losing focus as lots of irrelevant research is gathered.

Researching traditional typography could be pretty boring.

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