Friday 23 October 2015

Technology & Typography Practical Investigation

Technology & Typography Practical Investigation

Focus of visual investigation
Through a practical resolution create a typographic poster that represents the key stages of communication with a focus on emulating progression from traditional to contemporary approaches within communication of information and design as a whole sector. 

Look into the use and visualisation of;

Traditional typographic principles

The idea is to work off my own knowledge at this point from what I have learnt other the space of 2 years to show my understanding within the subject to then figure out what elements within the subject I want to gain a deeper understanding in.  

Visual Scamps
Playing around with ideas of deconstruction of traditional sections from typographic anatomy then constructing back in a digital and contemporary aesthetic and context. 

Gradients and preset textures to show over reliance of software with a typeface that emulates hands on approaches and physical type to show the transition and change of the application of typography.

Exploring ideas of how typography doesn't focus on readability and legibility anymore and how it can now carry stronger concepts and meanings through custom typefaces and custom header/display faces. 

Try maintain an interactive or feeling of motion within the composition to show hands on process's.

Expanding ideas of deconstruction and 3D for ideas of physicality within the application of typography.

Using the grid to emulate functionality which will contrast with experimental type and shape to show the influence of trends born from the pretty ugly and introduction to the internet and design softwares. 

Trying to create a feeling of experimentation, digital aesthetics, and deconstruction and construction. 

Trying to show the routes of typeface design and communication through the connotations of roman communication through iconography exploring this as a starting point then thinking of ideas of how to show the restrictions of typesetting with the Gutenberg.

Expanding on ideas of using a deconstructed composition and positioning of elements to create an interactive feeling of motion.

Starting to develop a certain aesthetic and purpose of the typeface design, based around traditional serif woodblock carved fonts but showing a digital contemporary output. The use of Past Present and Future helps communicate and add context to the idea of a timeline of mass communication im trying to portray. 

Exploring ideas of basic communication of type through the Alphabet but this starts to dilute the idea of mass communication and starts looking into the development of western languages. 

Ideas of how iconography can add context to key periods of change within the development of mass communication, technology and typography. 

Experimental type development with a focus on creating a digital vibe but with physical 3D presence, aiming at trying to emulate a transition between traditional serif woodblock type applications too a more digital outcome.  

Final Resolutions
The overall concept and resolution starts out with an entire digital presence that uses iconography and typographic quotes to communicate a timeline of mass communication and technology used in the development of typographic applications. 

Starting from the introduction of the Gutenberg, to the Mac to Softwares and the introduction of digital print and the internet and how trends have influenced the use and design of typography. 

Rasmus is a contemporary interpretation of a serif font and is easily accessible on a budget from the designers foundry, formerly known as ten dollar fonts and has sparked thoughts to investigate about how a well designed font was something quite prestigious to own but now they are much more accessible and usable influencing an influx in "graphic designers" with there pirate software and reliance of preset commands to create "effective" design. 

The glyphs are designed to have a 3D physical feel like traditional wood block glyphs but maintain contemporary aesthetic to show this transition from tradition to contemporary appreciation to technology. 

Physical screen printed replicas repurposed back into digital presence with application of photoshop preset patterns to strengthen concept of reliance of software and presets. 

A few different stocks where experimented with just to play around with the print process and how the application of colour changes depending on stock, the black one has a certain digital vibe too it emulating a computer screen while the white and grey have differing tonal differences through the contrasting paper stocks showing the benefits of physical print methods and how the colour is more pure than digital print through the heavier application of pure colour pigment. 

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