Wednesday 13 January 2016

OUGD601 Overall Evaluation

OUGD601 Overall Evaluation

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
I have continued to expand on my theoretical writing skills from last year, something I began to find myself doing quite well in. This year I developed my researching skill, figuring out how to really critically analyse a source, fully stripping it down and extracting quotes and arguments and investigative points based around a certain question or focus point. Creating a 20'000 word document for all my extraction of research has really helped this year as I was struggling to find the right information by over saturating myself with information I could then go back and extract quotes and research more efficiently and with more focus.

My typographic knowledge and knowledge on technology has grown no end through my research and I feel the information I have taken in has informed my practical response and will continue to feed into my extended practice. 

Knowledge on communication, an essential key to my practice and something I should have looked deeper into before, learning how information is digested will help me create stronger concepts and outcomes within extended practice.

Triangulation, gathering alternative research relating to different subject areas as well as other theorists relating to the same argument has helped strengthened stronger arguments within my dissertation, a good example of this was the merging together of arguments made revolving around music and typography.

Expanding from last year coming out of my comfort zone and experimenting more both within my practical trying out quite abstract techniques to change the way messages can be visualized but also with research, reading into much heavier theory books as apposed to last years safe branding books looking into writing's from McLuhan and Mcquail has taught me a lot more about the theory behind media's an effective subject area that relates to graphic design practices.

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
Within my practical I have learnt to synthesis theory into a practical response, basically visualizing iconic arguments and my conclusion of my essay. 

Using practical work as a form of research in itself has developed not only my practical outcome but also informed my investigations into my essay (Screen print & Digital print posters) 

Editorial design, merging together technology and traditional principles, both important factors for a graphic designer who appreciates progression but also understands the communicative potential of traditional principles. 

Use of color and paper stock to communicate tradition and contemporary concepts. Appreciation of traditional typography and the appreciation of technology and software for potentially changing the way type can be communicates, something that will be explored in Extended practice.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
Typography, both traditional and contemporary in experimental ways and ways that communicate information effective. I will continue to develop both these contrasting skill sets because my essay proves that theres potential for both mediums within this progressing digital age. 

Organization and layout, after learning how information is communicated through my findings my layout and how information hierarchy through typography has developed. I will carry on looking into traditional layouts and contemporary layouts and how to make the most of both principles to create focused and strong outcomes. 

I developed my conceptual thinking a lot more when it comes to applying a synthesized theory gathered from an informed investigation from successful research allowing me to create a successful practical outcome even when I did mess my time planning up the concept was strong and the visual resolution strong.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?
Aesthetics, the concept was there but more impactful aesthetics could have been made. Also the use of typography could have been experimented more, I chose 2 safe blackletter and roman typefaces I should have explored some more that could have merged together contemporary digital influenced black letter and roman and more traditional ones to show the progression of these typographies.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

Plan my time a lot better when it comes to the practical, I really didn't leave myself enough time and I really wanted to carry out the laser cut letterpress ideas as this would have been the perfect practical synthesis. Its a concept I will certainly be taking into extended practice though. 

Gather primary research, I can get more informed opinions by focusing questions asked around a given theme that will help strengthen arguments and support secondary sources. Better time planning and not been scared to contact people! 

Develop my practical more, the concept I had even after the letterpress one failed had so much potential with terms of experimental type to visualise digital progression but I didn't have enough time to fully commit to crazy aesthetics like I found in my visual research. 

I was exploring technology, actually creating something digital that transitioned into print, something augmented and interactive would have been perfect. I really need to teach myself digital practices like moving image, coding and video editing within extended practice to expand my practice and expand on my COP within extended practice. 

Consider target audiences next time, like my investigations into branding provided typography can be very manipulative. Learn how to capitalise on these manipulations. 

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