Wednesday 13 January 2016

Practical Rationale & Finals

Practical Rationale & Finals 

Create a series of self published type specimens using traditional black letter fonts and roman fonts and there Gutenberg influenced distributions as a reference to traditional principles when it comes to the visualization of the spoken word. Deconstruct and produce these using experimental accessible digital softwares and printing hardwares to show the introduction of cyberspace technologies as experimentations that have caused a transition of how information is communicated and distributed from something that was a hot media that was digested slowly creating a literate society. Today the development and streamlining of communication systems as a reaction to technology and cultural conditioning has caused a decline in slow digestion of information turning it into something more visual and hot requiring less sensory participation much like it was in pre typographic movements. 

To place this theory into context evidence suggests that these ideas of repurposing could be visualized through the digitally recycled emojis that could be seen as a technological development of hieroglyphics, something that predates typography. The secondary purpose of the outcome is to show how even with technological innovation there has been a repurposing of pre typographic and traditional typographic communications showing that we accept progression but still always take influence from historic communication strategies to streamline how effective information is digested within a fast paced society.  

This ties in and progresses from past practical investigations locate here.

Finals & Rationale 
Front cover uses layouts that reference Letterpress & Gutenberg traditions with a classic Gutenberg Black letter face, using black ink as a reference to the limited color options available with these mass distributed print process's. Roman typeface Times was used but set using the potential of digital softwares with underlining and strike throughs to show the progression and of how type can be distributed through technologies but still maintain an aesthetic that references traditional print. 

The title references the introduction of mass distribution to the introduction of cyberspace technologies and how its effected multiple communicative mediums like music and typography, both underwent transitions from been something verbal to the progression into something more physical then re-purposed back into hosted distributions through cyberspace technologies. All quotes relate to there subsequent digital manipulations. 

The simple comb bind and double side A5 print using a home printer references easy to access print process's.

Contrasting bright inner leafs contrast the clean stock used for the copy pages, this references contemporary print distributions. Each leaf will support and mirror the body copy's digital experiment. This spread referencing the decline of respect for the Gutenberg through the blurring out of classic Gutenberg type choice (Blackletter) and layout (Left aligned) 

Cut and paste aesthetic referencing traditional hands on approaches to type layout before digital softwares, also drop shadow references computer windows. 

Deconstructed layout shows how typography used to be a method of slow method of digestion, a hot media where actual sensory interaction was required to take in the information. Now with a growing illiterate society and communication methods becoming more streamlined and visually cold in terms of sensory interaction these types of digesting information are becoming lost. 

Pixilation to show transition between print and digital distributions. 

3D to show the transition from physical typography used in letterpress process's to 3D rendered and more abstract and visual typographic visuals. Backing up arguments made that its becoming something more visual and type can now carry concepts rather than just be communicative. Something else explored in my screen print & digital print posters. 

Tongue in cheek representation of the streamlining of typographic distributions through phonetic technologies from full word texting, to abbreviations to emojis. A digital repurposing and re-introduction of an illiterate society when Hieroglyphics and no typographic systems that placed spoken words into a visual system were about. 


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