Wednesday 4 December 2013

Advertising Lecture

Advertising Lecture

Prostituiton in its essence is a representation of the concepts of advertising. 

Advertising changes peoples perception makes them want things they don't need like the latest technological products or the latest fashion items.

 It takes human feelings and uses them to meet the interest of capitalism. 

It Influences the way that we think and feel and behave subconsciously for example as an extreme outcome people begin stealing to fund the latest cultural trends.

Long term exposure of concepts overtime persuades you to buy into brands and products instead of initial high impact individual adverts, a sort of story is created through lots of short adverts.

I shop therefore I am presents capitalism in a famous graphic design response from Barbara Kruger. 

Advertising is said to play on sexism and treated people as cultural stereotypes through there sex orientation in the 50s. Discrimination was used in Adverts in the 50s been very offensive towards woman exploiting sexism in a high impact way.  It then went full circle and aimed this sexism toward men through objectivisation. Dolice & Gabbana use sex to market there product lines. Within some of there adverts they concrete on the models rather than the product, its like the model is been sold not the product range. It proves that sex does sell. 
Tom ford took it to the extreme, was placed in context of explisit magazines.

Advertising drives economy through playing with capitalism persuading people to buy into products and ideas.

Advertising drives creativity. 

1st wave of creatives were of a revolutionary period who created a perfect place. A utopia. Rodchenko graphic designer created revolutionary designs around this period promoting his new found movement constructivism influenced by american conceptual artist Barbara Kruger.

2nd wave consisted of persuasive communicators who tried to fulfill people's dreams and wants. Paul Rands branding of apple is a good example of this, promoting revolutionary technology to niche markets through conceptual and visually appealing branding and advertising campaigns.

Advertising is a powerful form of art, art feeds advertising and vice versa. Advertising can be visually appealing as well as having relevant context. Much like graphic designs form over function concept. 

Advertising influences cultures for example the music industry boom links with hip hop culture and technology's like Apple iPod using this culture to promote there market. And Dr Dre filling a gap in the market for specific hip hop related music technologies by creating his signature Beats range. High end headphones and listening devices. 

Christmas, cola invented the red bearded and fat father Xmas from a small green unbearded man changing cultural acceptance of a globally recognized figure. 

Advertising can inspire people and enlighten them on cultural issues and social problems, in the 80s and 90s advertising campaigns highlighted problems of victimization when people were been branded as monsters and singled out when they were diagnosed with HIV.

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