Monday 9 December 2013

Edible Type

Edible Type

Has a fun brief on creating an edible letterform or glyph set today. There isn't many requirements only that it needs to taste good and look good. As long is its constructed in foodstuffs with no risk of allergies for the taste testing team anything goes big or small and theres a prize for the overall winner. Although going against the 2nd and 3rd years should be interesting and a challenge. 
Usual development process, sketches and images of the process's I go through creating the edible glyph. 

To inspire me in terms of structure I have gathered a few examples of typographic constructions in a physical three dimensional form. The actual construction will be made from a cake mix as my cooking knowledge isn't too good and cake is a lot more robust for moulding and shaping into a desired shape. Unless an easier method comes up.

Could make the glyph out off different flavour balls of cake or other food substance? 

Simple solution of cutting cake out into the shape of a glyph? Maybe apply a coating to add better aesthetics and allow a pattern to be added.

Create a negative out of a grainy substance like sherbert maybe?

Create a negative out of stringing together a sort of web out of some edible form of sweet like liquiriche?

Seen as its christmas I will probably go with a festive inspired pattern be it through the shapes used in the patter or the colour scheme used red green gold etc. 

Or maybe base it on them cheesy christmas jumpers? Could be an interesting way to add pattern, traditional use of symbols and elements that culturally connote christmas. Stars. snowflakes, decorations  christmas trees and presents for example. Experiment with pattern, colour and geometric shapes to produce abstract imagery to use on the outer of the cake that connotes christmas in an abstract way or a more literal way.

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