Tuesday 10 December 2013

Research Proposal personal brief

Research Proposal personal brief

What will i be researching on the word Calendar?
I will be researching into the word calendar and how i will include this into context of the value 100.
20 Facts about Calendars.

20 Opinions on Calendars, this could form a survey on peoples opinions on past calendar design based on eras e.g. 50's, 60's, 80s and now. 

20 Words that stem from the word Calendar. 

20 Statistics based on the word Calendar, I will link this with statistic to do with seasons and there attributes like rainfall average temperature etc.

20 Photographs, chose photographs of different types of calendars; 2D calendars, seasonal calendars, weather calendars, advent calendars 3D physical calendars. Also the categories of what is used in calendars e.g. cars, dogs etc.

Look how I can stem off the word calendar to form a specific body of research that i will find interesting and also be engaging for the audience.

Why will i be researching this?
I will research into facts to link them into my body of research.

Gathering peers opinions on calendar design gives me a different outlook on what people find aesthetically pleasing and how they strip down and analyze a piece of design, it shows me what they like what they don't like which in turn gives me ammunition to create stronger designs that engage with a wider audience. 

Researching words that stem from Calendar gives me the opportunity to look at different aspects to do with Calendar eg categories of calendar which could lead to things like sport which is a lot more interesting than just the concept of a calendar as a median in itself. I could look deeper into sport and the imagery used and link this with the eras of calendars. Everything can be linked together.

20 statistics based on Calendar will help me form stronger research and linking statistics and facts together could be used as a reference point for all my other research. I could convert peer feedback into a statistic in itself.

 Including pictures of calendar design and its content will add a visual element to my research allowing peer feedback on existing calendar design to be put into context. 

Look into how the Era at the time influenced the design of the calendars and the influential designers of that period.

How will i be researching this?
Use mind maps to gather and branch off into different sub categories within the context of calendars. 

Research existing calendar designs in there physical format by actually photographing them in stores, look at examples on the internet and in books to further evaluate there design aspects.

Collect photos from the internet, take them myself and use books. 

Gather facts and statistics from books and the internet.

Gather opinions by creating questionnaires on existing design examples.

Looking into all the above factors i will narrow down onto one overall concept idea by including elements from each sector or category of research. For example link visuals of era design with political events of that year, or link examples of say sports calendars with factual research into statistics and information on teams maybe? I am a little lost at the moment on how to create a rounded concept at the moment i feel my ideas are a little broad and need help focusing down and tying things together.

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