Monday 2 December 2013

Further visual research

Further visual research

Went to The Tetley in Leeds yesterday and found a few uses of typography that I liked and could help spark ideas for ways in which typography can be used to create an image in itself. 

I loved this, you notice it straight away and the combination of many origins of type styles creates an image in itself. Wood/Block, Gothic/Metal, Roman/Stone Sable/Script all used in conjunction and tied together using metallic colors used to represent bronze and gold which is an obvious focal point of the interior design of the gallery. A nice contrast of use of modern process's in an old fashioned interior using a combination of old style fonts and modern styles also creates a contrast of old and new. 

Another example of contrast of old and new here is a very minimalist publication cover. Old style elements coming from the terra-cotta color scheme and the floral analogue header typography. New coming from the clean cut sans serif typography in the folio information. I like the combination of landscape alignments of type and portrait alignments. I will try this out in my further design developments to strengthen the concept of functionality and versatility. Creating a photo backing frame that remains legible when the frame is positioned landscape or portrait would be cool.

I really liked this sculptural piece of artwork here and I plan on going back to ask for permission for its use in development ideas for stock imagery for my backing paper designs. It has a very architectural feel through its neutral monochrome schemes of varying tonal ranges of grey. Has a very cold feel within the color scheme and the layout is very minimal and would work well with some minimalist type. I could play about with using this as a template for some vector shapes? Create a swiss influenced design outcome from a very architectural 3D physical piece of art. 

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