Monday 9 December 2013

Design Process Research

Design Process Research

We received our second research only brief today, we are giving a word at random. Mine is Calendar. I am to produce a body of research on this word around the number 100. Be this in its literal term as a number or a value or the concept of 100 by collecting, recording, documenting and categorizing sources.

These sources will come from a minimum of 20 in the form of Facts, Opinions, Words, Statistic & photographs. To help narrow down the word Calendar into a more personal body of work and produce engaging and interesting research for the audience and me I will produce a brief for myself. This will help me narrow down to one specific category stemming from the word Calendar, my initial thoughts to put this into example would be look into Calendar Eras, e.g. 50s, 60s, 80s and contemporary calendars and look into the visual and conceptual changes these products have gone through. 

I also need to look into how i can interpret the 100 concept as this needs to be combined within the word calendar, 100 examples of calendar design is one thought but this is too literal and I want to create a more diverse and original body of research.

What will I research?

Why will I research it?

How will I research it?

We were placed in groups bouncing ideas off each other on different methods off research, the ones I will go foreword with are collection off images from internet sources and books and my own images. The collection off opinions on a given subject gathered from friends and peers. Statistics gathered over historical periods representing a calendar inspired "era" over say 100 years? These will be gathered from a range of sources to maintain originality and diversity, the same method will be used for gathering facts. The gathering off words will be collected from word association and mind mapping. Sources could come from websites relevant to the subject, books and questions that form answers based on the subject. 

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