Friday 10 January 2014

Design Process Communicate

Design Process Communicate

We received our final brief for the module today and a really exciting one and very open brief in terms of what we can produce. 

Its the final brief within 3 linking briefs based on Collecting, Categorizing and Communicating. 
The collecting was based on my word Calendar which brought me too the gathering off research on Formula 1 season over the eras. 
Categorizing was the production of layouts inspired by Formula 1 and the categories we collected research within. 
And now the communication brief, its basically the need to identify a problem within our research and provide an answer for it. The resolution needs to be engaging and related to a specific audience. In this case people who are interested in F1 and the history and technical side off it.

We need to consider the following:
Who needs to know?
What/Why do they need to know it?
How will we tell them?
We need to chose whether we are explaining, informing, instructing or educating the audience. 
What will the audience respond to, where will they look? How will they need to interact with it? How will I know if its working?

What is the tone of voice? It must be appropriate to my subject, audience and method of delivering the resolution.

A 2 minute presentation will round off my resolutions.

Initial thoughts at the moment although vague as I haven't looked into it deeper yet are the creation of a typeface based on F1 engineering, Branding for F1, Poster design or a Booklet. I will be picking key things out from my research project in which to base the generation of a concept around. 

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