Monday 20 January 2014

Research Evaluation

Research Evaluation 

For this project I had the word Calendar given to me. I wasn't happy with this at first compared to other peoples words did didn't seem to have much scope so initially I was struggling how to turn this word into an interesting body of research based on the concept off 100 or the combination off; 20 images, 20 facts, 20 statistics, 20 opinions & 20 words. It needed to be engaging so how was I going to entertain myself and audience over something so bland?

The suggestions I put forward in the interim crit were off a lateral investigation into Calendar as its own umber all of things, like how calendars can be interactive. The only aspect that went forward after the crit was the element of Eras's, this element of Eras would form the base off my timeline off F1 from the 1950s to now. 

The interim crit made some good suggestions but the one I took forward was the Lunar calendar aspect, I had a back burner idea inspired by the suggestion of looking into things with moving parts. This linked with my initial thoughts off sports calendars and I linked this to F1 and its season, this was then linked with the Era's of 1950's to now and this is were it all sparked off. So i overcome a boring brief and turned it into something more interesting with a bit off out of the box thinking derived from crit feedback. 

From here I hit more problems, gathering imagery into Formula 1 was difficult if I was to collect it personally so imagery had to be collected from internet sources. Facts and statistics were easy enough to find, words I stemmed from common connotations and word association from peoples opinions. 

I enjoyed the brief once I got going finding out some interesting facts into the history of F1 and a new found interest into the engineering side. I loved the complexity off the construction of an F1 car and the fact that if under 1% off a F1 car is out of place then the car won't work whatsoever. This sense off accuracy is something I want to emulate in my design work. 

If i was to do this brief again I would have looked deeper into the engineering side and gathered more physical research, theres accurate model car kits you can buy and build your own engine kits that I could have played about with to provide myself with some interesting imagery. Presented in my research is the works off Fabian Oefner, I could have created something like he did only with an engine been deconstructed and blown up. 

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