Saturday 11 January 2014

Initial concept idea

Initial concept idea

In preparation for my interim crit, I created a mind map on what problems I found within my body of research on Formula 1 Eras. The main 2 I found that I could produce visual concepts from were the issue off peoples lack off Knowledge on the KERS system thats been recently introduced into F1 regulations. The other issue I found when actually researching into F1 was the lack off information on F1 engineering due to secrecy within manufacture teams like Ferrari and Mercedes not wanting to release engineering specs out into the public. So producing some kind of informative and educational system that could be presented to the public on engineering aspects within F1 would be good. 

Here is the sum up off the Background and Considerations behind the whole concept. 

Who needs to know?
Formula 1 fans, ones who are interested in the technical side of the sport.
What/ why do they need to know?
Information on KERS system and regulations and why its used. Or if i go with the engineering aspect they will need to know about technical statistics of individual engineering elements.
How will you tell them?

I will Educate & Explain through the presentation of type and image to inform and educate on KERS system. Or I will Educate & Inform on engineering aspects through this same use of type and image and statistics and technical date on these engineering elements.

You must identify whether you are trying to EXPLAIN, INFORM, INSTRUCT or EDUCATE the audience?

Educate & Explain for the KERS system. Educate & Inform for the engineering elements.

What will the audience respond to, where will they look? How will they need to interact with it? How will you know it is working?
The audience will respond too informative explanations to educate them of a new technical side to F1 (KERS) Interaction will be through the presentation of type & image in a physical printed outcome. Final feedback from peers will prove if the outcome is understandable and clear through the presentation of information for education and explanation purposes. 
Will it be a; collection of, a presentation of or instructions to.
A presentation of type & image used in a way in which to educate & explain or educate & inform the viewer. The presentation will be a physical printed outcome.
What is the tone of voice? It must be appropriate to your subject, audience and method of delivery.
Clear and Technical, I need to be technical in the information i present due to the complex nature of engineering and KERS system but the information needs to be clear and legible in a way in which the audience can easily understand the content they are taking in.

Bellow is a mind map to help me think into how I will present and deliver my concept idea. 

So far I'm thinking either a magazine article, or a sort of Top Trumps game.

Top trumps would be best use with the presentation of engineering elements for example I could create top trumps on how important certain aspects off the car are. Like the brakes, the engine, the safety systems etc.
F1 cars over the Eras and presentation of there stats on speed, race wins, safety ratings etc. 
Drivers over the Era's
This could provide a nice interactive way off producing an information system and could cover more target markets this way and introduce technical aspects to the younger generations. 

The presentation of the KERS system information would be good in a magazine spread found in a magazine on F1.

Both methods will give me a chance to experiment with type, image, color and layout design etc. I have initial thoughts at the moment of creating traditional analogue images (pencil drawings, watercolors etc) for the diagram style drawings that I am initially thinking off. 

Feedback from the crit will help me decide if one of these concepts has sufficient substance and will provide for an effective visual outcome. 

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