Monday 24 February 2014

Action plan for communication is a virus & Ideas

Action plan for communication is a virus & Ideas

To begin with we began trying to form an action plan within our groups. We collated all our research on how things could be made viral and began on deciding on a charity to put these concept idea into action through.

Exploring health charities, children's charities and the events they run we decided on choosing the charity Skatepal. Skatepal are a movement that raise money for building skateparks in Palestine and teaching kids how to skate, this encourages activities and keeps kids fit. We felt choosing this charity links better with a younger target market/art & design market due to the popularity of skateboarding within the art and design community. The visuals we could produce for event will also be more visually interesting due to the more interesting starting point of skateboarding. 

We then began to think of ideas how we could collect donations for the charity. 

Action plan pitch.
The plan would be, we will be raising money for charity Skatepal. We plan on pitching a proposal for creating an exhibition or a stall. The stall or exhibition will give us opportunity to display design works to raise money for the charity. 

Holding an exhibition or a stall gives us opportunity to create promotional materials in the form of print outcomes (Leaflets, booklets, logo etc) and social media outcomes. Creating a twitter & Facebook group gives us easy access to a huge audience through the groups combined friend lists. 

The medias we plan on selling at the exhibition or stall will be prints and a limited number of T-shirts. Each member of the group will produce there own T-shirt design or a group T-shirt will be created displaying a visual collaboration of our groups company name and Skatepal the skateboard company. The prints on sale will be created from submissions entered by other creatives in the college based on our given theme. 

We need to think of a company name so we pitched a few ideas forward within the group and decided on the name "Pole". We came to this conclusion after ruling out the following options.

Links (How we as a group link together with unique disciplines to create a collaboration of ideas)
Donuts (A more humours connotation of the above, the idea of a donut been a circular element simulating a continuous link)
NSEW (Has links to the groups hometowns been in an array of places, Scotland, Italy, north of England, south of England east of England)

Polar (Comes from the above idea of different areas, but a more abstract representation of it through the concept of north and south poles at the top and bottom of the world, this has good links with how were making a difference for a charity so far away as well)
Polo (The Italian of polar)
We arrived at "pole" by looking up the synonyms of "polar", the word pole had a more straight to the point wording and for a logo less characters created a better visual.

To do list.

  1. Create a logo for "Pole"
  2. Promotional material for the exhibition/stall
  3. Create social media sites for Pole X Skatepal collaboration 
  4. Create a theme for the design submissions to be sold on the stall/exhibition 
  5. Create submission information/guidelines for the design submissions 
  6. Create a color scheme framework/requirement for design submissions

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