Tuesday 25 February 2014

Name change for our group (Salt & Sauce)

Name change for our group (Salt & Sauce)

After a brief discussion and some disagreements on the past name "pole" we came up with a better name for our collaborative. Salt & Sauce. This name suits us better as it isn't such a serious name like "pole" seems quite stern and abrupt. 

The name Salt & Sauce basically describes us through a abstract representation of how salt & sauce go well together but are too different things like sweet & savory. This describes out individual characters within personalities and design style, along with the collaboration of a charity with a group of designers. It also contextualizes the them members origins from different places within the UK and Europe, we spoke about home comforts and what brought us together. Food was a main conversation point that seemed to link us all together and reminded us of home a little more. 

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