Wednesday 19 February 2014

Charity campaigns

Charity campaigns

As my group will be creating content of a charity I felt like looking at what charities were out there would help us decide on who we could collect and raise money for through the outcome we produce. 

One example of how this could tie together would be producing an exhibition of artworks that are then sold to collect money for the charity in this case cancer research. This gives us scope to throw an actual event which would need promotion materials making. These promotion materials could be both print and digital. Print invites, business cards, leaflets and signage etc. Digital promotions online like social media websites and blogs. 

After looking on a charity website its clear theres lots of charities out there and due to it been a group exercise we all need to agree on what charity sector we will collect for.

Bellow are a few examples of lower budget campaigns for less known charities that have still managed to get a lot of recognition through playing with viewers emotions by shocking them, amusing them, been sarcastic and educating them. Tone of voice plays a huge part in portraying the correct emotion as well. 

Raking up over 1.7 million views this clever video has drawn in the attention of both men and women worldwide.

Staring off as a typical night on the red light district we see 6 women in lit windows passing by and milling around. An unexpected twist takes place as one of the ladies starts to dance. By the end a crowd forms and a billboard flashes up highlighting links between sex work, trafficking and casual dancing. 

Raking up over 1.7 million views this clever video has drawn in the attention of both men and women worldwide. The video is a way in which the viewer can be made aware of issues of human trafficking by creating an abstract representation of a typical night in the illegal sex trade world. 
"The Gift of Water have created this viral video called ‘The First World Problems Anthem’ this simple yet powerful video points out that those everyday insignificant problems we face such as ‘I hate when my phone charger doesn’t reach my bed’ aren’t really problems at all. It shows us that we have nothing to complain about when people are facing real and life threatening issues; like not having access to water."
Having over 2million views this campaign sarcastically compares our everyday "problems" we take for granted and how the people in these countries struggle to even have the simple things in life. An emotional dig at our culture and our unnecessary needs for consumerism when theres much worse things going on out there. 
Fragile Childhood shared a compelling message via their viral video ‘Monsters’. The anti-drinking campaign focuses on the real monsters that some children have in their lives - loved ones with alcohol issues. It shows children and their struggle to get through their day, whilst showing why and how they view their parents. It’s heartbreaking yet very affective. The video has gained over two million views so far.
Again by using children a more sinister tone of voice is portrayed, playing with the viewers emotions and educating them of what children see when there parents are drunk. A very unique way of presenting drunk parents instead of showing the aggression they are linked with common childhood fears of clowns and monsters etc. 
A campaign called ‘Don’t Cover it Up’ created the video ‘How to look your best the morning after’, to help stop domestic abuse. The video mirrors a traditional YouTube tutorial, that many people make, but this time the make up artist is giving tips on how to hide injuries given by a your partner or loved one.
The popular Vlogger, Lauren Luke, uses her primarily female fan base, who enjoy her make up tip videos, to help raise awareness to help stop the violence.
A sarcastic twist on a traditional makeup tutorial video showing the problems of domestic abuse, the target been mainly woman through the creators female fan base she has already built up. Again playing with viewers emotions helps portray the message across here, informing them of a problem that woman are trying to hide behind a mask of makeup.

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