Wednesday 19 February 2014

Communication is a Virus

Communication is a Virus

We were put into our groups for creating a viral communication response. Our groups theme for the project was to create a viral resolution of some sort to do with a charity of some sort. Within our group we need to research the capabilities and opportunities of viral communication, including but not limited to methods of approached, medias, examples, campaigns etc.

To form the base of research I need to consider what Viral communication actually consists of?
Why is it successful?

Compare successful campaigns and unsuccessful campaigns and why I think they were unsuccessful. 
What am I going to achieve, communicate within the resolution?

What do I want to say? how do I want to say it? What would the tone of voice and language be like?

Will I use type & image? Or one or the other?

What am I aiming to achieve? Am i communicating through a website, running an exhibition, producing print material, will it be an interactive element? These things need to be considered

The deliverables will be quite open but need to be limited to 2 colors and the paper stock used if the item is printed. 

Viral campaigns rely on a message been passed on through the public, exploring social media, digital communication weather its communicated in a literal conscious concept or a subconscious resolution that has more hidden meanings playing on emotions of the viewer. 

Initial thoughts at this time to begin informing our group are to go individually look ion charity campaigns, existing and past viral communications. Look into how something could be made viral, look into charities to do with sectors:

Red nose day
3rd world countries

Also looking into celebrities and how they contribute to charities would be interesting, as there is a lot of social hype around celebrities using something that derives from them could provide relevance to creating ideas for a viral response. 

The first idea we have though up very quick was for a charity even that Niels friend runs. Skatepalpalastien. A charity raising money to build skate parks in Palestine and teaching children a good form of exercise. 

The idea we thought was to create a kind of exhibition displaying and selling artworks to raise money for the charity, this gives us the opportunity to be very broad with promotion materials in a digital/social network outcome as well as print media. So this concept has a lot of scope, the charity itself isn't decided though but the idea of creating some kind of exhibition for the chosen charity gives a lot of scope for the project.

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