Tuesday 4 February 2014

Secret 7 action plan

Secret 7 action plan

To help me make the most of my time from now until the final deadline I have created a timeline of what I am going to do through my design process. 

Wednesday 5th - Further research into other design within the music industry and research into famous album art designers.

Thursday 6th - Begin creating my 5 mockups ready for the crit.

Friday 7th - Take crit feedback and develop my ideas further based on 1 of the chosen 5 mockups.

Saturday 8th - Create further sketches and experimentations within image making methods based on illustration inspiration from illusive book. 

Monday 10th - Develop on final sleeve.

Tuesday 11th - Develop on final sleeve design.

Wednesday 12th - Have a mini crit on the current design & take forward feedback for final tweaks.

Thursday 13th - Perfect and finalize the 7" sleeve ready for print.

Friday 14th - Print and present final 7" record sleeve ready for final crit. 

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