Friday 28 February 2014

Our chosen charity Skatepal

Our chosen charity Skatepal

For out viral communication brief we needed to raise awareness and money for a charity through some creative method. After looking through various charities and charity types we decided to go with Skatepal. 

The charities goal is to spread the love of skateboarding through Palestine and build skateparks where locals can come and learn how to skate.

40% of Palestinians are under 15, over 50% of youths struggle to find work. The outlook isn't good for youngsters there but this cultural, educational and sporting opportunity gives them chance to be involved in something productive for the community and allows them to express themselves in creative and constructive ways. Both boys and girls are welcome to the sport program.

Skateboarding is the vessel of the whole charity, the founder has skated for over 12 years and sees the sport as a way to build self confidence and self discipline swell as been a great form of exercise

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