Saturday 8 February 2014

Further visual research

Further visual research & Jake Bugg research

As I wasn't too keen on my illustration style I created for the digital mockups I chose to look into different styles of image making deriving from the illusive book and a past project of mine. As i wanted to emulate Jakes simplistic stripped back and minimal style within his music and fashion sense I gathered minimal style imagery. 

The first example of imagery I found was Kate Suttons illustration, the technique she used was to hand draw the outlines and color in the imagery on photoshop. I like this idea as it has a combination off digital and analogue image techniques wich keeps things minimal and clean with a certain traditional aesthetic which simulates Jakes traditional influences within his music category "country music". I like the depth off this style of drawing, presenting three dimensional imagery through flat image compositions. This flat depth of field is created by simple color blocking and simple lines, no complex shading or complex shapes within the outlines. Simplicity. 

Very minimal vector imagery, instead off adding detail I will try out the idea off creating simplistic outlines like the bellow. Very minimal and clean, I can concentrate on the use of colors to connote traditional influences and influences derived from song lyrics; Haunting, nightmare (Dream), cold. I like the contrasting 50/50 split of block color this could be used to present 2 different hues or tones representing both Jake Buggs style of music/fashion (Traditional/Simple/Heritage) and the relevance to the lyrics and feelings of the song lyrics mentioned previous. 

Again to keep things traditional I looked back into my Foundation years work, I created a series of simple line and stipple fine liner drawings with watercolor coloring. Using pastel tertiary hues keeps things quite toned down wich has relevance to the albums feel, It was mentioned in the crit feedback how the bold bright colors didn't fit conceptually so dulling things down wouldn't be a bad thing like the bellow. I like the abstract depth presented in this image, there is a certain contrast flatness  and depth within the composition through the simple line art, but also elements of depth through shading used with the watercolor coloring (due to characteristics and blending that is achieved with watercolors).

How to emulate traditionally.

Sparked by my visual research and quick thoughts into word association I came up with the following plan on how to emulate Jakes traditional style of music & fashion influences and simplistic stripped back style of music production. 

Produce imagery with traditional influences through the use off analogue traditional drawing techniques. 
Contrast this with digital manipulation to maintain a cleanliness and simplicity to simulate Jakes stripped back style.
Use minimal design compositions within layout, composition, illustration techniques and color application. 
Use colors that emulate & connote traditionally:
Brown hues.
Neutral tones.
Orange tones have links with autumn and the country.
Use colors that connote the bellow lyrics:
Cold (Blue, White, Black, Grey)
Strange (Rainbow schemes, vibrant tones)
Nightmare (Black, Dark blues, Red)
Dream (Nightmare lyric flipped on its head) (White, Pink, Purple)

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