Wednesday 2 April 2014

A review of possible experiences/problems

A review of possible experiences/problems 

I made a  start on thinking up some possible points that could be expended upon based on my experiences and problems I came across during my first year on the graphic design course. Both academic and non academic. 

Initial rough thoughts

Defined/refined thoughts
Balancing employment work and university work
Assignment Workload 
Conceptual thinking
Embarrassment/Presenting to groups
Meeting new people
Traveling too and from uni from a different city
Making use of the colleges facilities 
Dealing with the transition from been an illustrative style designer who based work around aesthetics to a more conceptual thinking practicing designer
Lack of knowledge both technical (Print methods) and theory based (semeiotics)
Time management for projects
Budgetting for projects 
Budgetting student finance 
Confusion from tasks and briefs set
Were's nice to eat for reasonable price
Turning concepts into understandable visuals/final productions
Giving feedback and receiving feedback and working on improving work based on feedback
Task prioritizing 
Idea generation
Not going ahead with my first idea, think of alternative ideas
Dealing with different personailtys, working styles and design styles in group work
Use of typographic and design terminology and language
Typographic Anatomy 
Creating a typeface 
Readability & legibility 
Color theory 
Lack of sleep

From these possible points I will expand on them to create them into a specific problem, this problem will then be turned into a question to base a personal brief around which I will then work towards to answer the problem in a way that will take into account tone of voice based on subject matter and audience
Will it be persuasive? Informative? Promotion based? Educating? Entertaining? Explaining something? Clarifying something? Organizing? Engaging? Interactive? 

Whats next/Plan of action
Next I will take 5 of these possible points above and turn them into a specific problem.
I will then chose one of these problems to turn into a brief to base my project around, before going forward with the brief I will send the brief too some peers to make sure it makes sense and has sufficient design solutions within the wording and questioning of the brief.
I will then start working to the brief going through my usual design stages of:
Word based and concept idea generation for solving this question/problem 
Conceptual and visual research to enhance influence on my idea generation stage
Create a rationale based on; What am i doing and why?, whats the problem I'm solving?, who is the audience?, how can I aim it specific to the audience?, what is the context?
Thumb nailing of around 30-50 possible design/visual solutions 
10 advanced digital mockups or sketches with relevant annotations ready for interim crit
React on feedback given in crit to chose final idea and concept to go forward with taking into account feedback suggestions 
Create a further rationale explaining what I am going to do, why, how its aimed at my audience, how I'm solving the problem, what will my method of delivery be
Produce final resolution enhanced by further visual/conceptual research inspired by feedback from crit if necessary
Review final design explaining the concept of the final resolution
Evaluate the brief and the final resolution 

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