Saturday 19 April 2014

What is a publication? & examples for possible formats

What is a publication? & examples possible formats

What is a publication? 
Publishing something is basically making a certain content or piece of information available to a certain target audience or the general public as a whole. The term publication translates to the act of publishing usually involving elements of text, image, or other visual contents in traditional mediums like paper as seen in more common culturally known publications (Newspapers, magazines, books, brochures etc). But I don't think it has to be print based now, with the launch of a digital age publications can be a digital translation of there paper counterparts  For example there is a rise in eBooks now with the release of electrical reading devices, and online magazines, or even newspaper apps for modern smartphones. So although the definition for a publication is print based I feel it could start to incorporate digital outcomes.

How is it made?
In terms of print based publication its usually a collection of content (Images, text, visual elements) contained within printed pages and usually bound. But its not uncommon depending on the concept of the idea for these pages of content to be individually presented as single sheets.

In terms of bound publications the most common would be the binding of certain stock and materials with the perfect bound method or PUR (Polyurethane Reactive Hotmelt), or section sewn. These are most commonly used on Brochures, hardcover books and magazines with a thickness greater than 5mm and are known as square back bindings. 

More specialist bindings can be things like
Japanese binding.
Three Hole sewn.
Stud or screw binding.
Singer sewn.
Side sewing. 
French Folding.
Saddle stitching.
Loop stitching.
Side stitching.
Case binding. 
Wire binding.
Standard wire binding.
Concealed wire binding.
Case bound wire binding.
Half Canadian wire binding. 

What format could it be?
The format is how the pages holding the content and information (Type & image) will be arranged and the shape, size and presentation of a book/publication. 

It could be a tiny format, a pocket sized publication. Good for short hits of information or guidance like city guides.

Small-medium size publications like brochures and zines. Short hits of information, advertising points and image heavy.

Small yet very thick like books, these use very thin paper stocks and tend to be very text heavy. The stocks don't take on high saturation of ink very well.

Medium size publications like magazines. Image heavy, conversational use of language and text.

Very large. A coffee table kind of book, not very portable but with huge amounts of information in them and high quality prints. Very well made with quality materials, stocks, and print methods. Usually have very informative pieces of typographic information and use of language within the.

Abstract publications. These tend to be one off runs, or limited edition runs. With interactive elements, complex print techniques like scratch and sniff, scratch away foiling, UV reactive, glow in the dark. Varnish finishes, screen print finishes, linocut, thermography, flocking, debossing/embossing, foil blocking, laminating etc. 

Or have pull out elements, tear out elements or combine a variety of stock types for example gloss contrasting with statin. Or clear acetate elements. 

They tend to follow no strict size or shape and content varies.

It could also be a digital format in the form of an ebook that could be viewed on a Smart phone or device like a kindle although this method is highly unlikely.

How is format relevant to content?
The style of the format is important depending on the concept and context of the information held within the publication. The format needs to work along side the concept/content context strengthening the concept through visuals and format. 

Is format relevant?
Yes, it helps aid the communication of the publications concept/content. If your making a publication for children and create a publication thats a very large format, heavy bound book with not many images in and illegible and unreadable typography due to small pt size, something very corporate. This has no relevance to its target audience.

The target audience needs to be considered when choosing format, the content within the publication has been considered so I won't be skipping the format choice. 

Rules & Conventions for publications & will I obey them?
In terms of rules I feel the only rules are the traditional definition of a publication been printed design outcome thats usually bound, you could sway away slightly from this rule but stay within the main rule of print outcome and not bind the content pages depending on the concept of the idea.

Or you could go all the way and go against the grain creating a complete digital resolution, something like an interactive iPhone app.

I won't be going this far with these out of the box conventions though, I will be sticking to print based media, most likely bound with the format and construction style relevant to my concept be it bound or un bound pages of information. 

When evaluating my piece of design I will look back over these points and explain my format choice, how its relevant to the content, what rules I followed and what ones I broke from, and a general explanation on how it was made. 

Possible thoughts at the moment are as mentioned in my proposal, a high end well quality printed and bound publication from Of medium size format. Or a new thought is of a more abstract publication, as the idea of publication is to be included in with limited edition trainer releases I feel producing something more unique within its style, construction, layout and design will give it a more treasured feel. The trainers are limited edition why can't the publication have this certain limited edition quality to it? Using interactive pull out elements and a unique binding method and shape will give off this more limited feel and have a more physical feel. Something you want to hold, and keep on display rather than browse over and let it gather dust.

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