Tuesday 22 April 2014

Wallchart/planner inspiration research

Wallchart/planner inspiration research

In the crit I got good feedback on the idea of a wall chart and to-do lists with an incorporated calendar. 
Having gathered visuals of a minimalist nature to inspire my to-do list idea which was my original idea to go forward with I realized I need to gather some more research into wall charts and some past examples. 

I will combine these examples with the past research of minamilistic and simple aesthetic designs to inspire my idea generations. 

Love this interactive and playful example I found on Behance by Brigada Creative from Spain, its a very simple idea but effective. The user can rate there day by drawing in there own emotion on the blank faces, the commonly known smiley face uses a yellow circle and black facial features. Using this bold and bright color element gives the design a very happy feel with lots of warmth.

This interactive feel is something Im after in my wall chart, were the students can all have an input and use of the wall chart. Obviously rating there day won't really help my problem at hand that I want to solve of helping students manage there time so I need to figure a way in which I can incorporate an idea into an interactive wall chart to help them organize there time. 


Found this very minimal example on type token by Alvin Kwan from the Practice Foundry agency. Love the simple visible grid the days are contained within, and the abstract representation of the year spelt in words rather than the common number of the year. The idea of the individual numbers been framed up, this sort of defines that definite day and maybe allow students to highlight important days by simply coloring in the surrounding frame if i did something like this. Or if I placed it above a cork board they could pin notes or a to-do list card onto each corresponding square of each date. 

This abstract example of a questionable "calendar" created with lego is a system created for studios or workplaces as a more fun version of a timesheet to manage projects for the team. The idea was innovated by Vitamins, a British Design agency.

Each person has there own lego character and each color block represents a project. The time scale has been simplified down to half days, they do this to encourage more work out of the day, helping you focus more on one specific idea rather than been lost in other aspects over a long period of time.

If I could develop a system to help students focus there time like this It would create a very successful outcome, and if I could give each student a kind of token to place on the interactive wall chart that would be even better. And something like this would go down very well in a creative studio, a cool, playful and fun idea. 

Found these examples of wall planners on its nice that. 
Golden Cosmos creates a very illustrative and colorful example using quirky, strange images to create a high impact wall chart. Wall charts can be pretty boring looking, and a boring looking wall chart students wouldn't want to put it on there wall. So I need it to be visually appealing like this. 

I like the idea of a 50-50 split between the wall chart element and the calendar system, the ordering of the days is very chronological and simply presented and gives he opportunity for notes to be added which would be beneficial for the students to write deadlines in and crits etc. 

This simple layout gives me a lot of experimentation within use of image which is good but I would consider the type layout a little more as this looks a little generic and boring. 

Mytton Williams creates a very simple wall chart with an interactive timeline element too it, allowing you to countdown days by removing the days. But wouldn't allow much in the way for students to add notes and reminders to the calendar but I like the simplistic aesthetics, 1 color scheme and use of paper stock which is something I want to consider in my design developments. The serifs type choice creates good readability which is important on a wall chart which is often viewed from a distance so legibility of glyphs and words needs to be clear and precise.

I found it hard to find good examples of wall planners but I guess this means that theres a certain gap for well designed and considered wall charts so I will really try to develop an innovative and considered interactive wall planner system with visually appealing aesthetics. So it will be functional and aesthetically pleasing so it will look like it belongs up in a studio rather than been like the dull and boring wall planers you see about today.  

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