Sunday 20 April 2014

Concept Idea for Publication/Definite Plan of action & Intentions

Concept Idea for Publication/Definite Plan of action & Intentions 

Taking forward the initial idea from my previous proposal of a trainer redesign with a collaboration partner I have decided to create a line of trainers for the upcoming 2014 Fifa World cup in Brazil. Adidas is the official partner of the world cup in terms of sporting labels so I see it fit to redesign a limited edition ZX Flux trainer specially for the world cup, a trainer that takes its aesthetic influences from minimalism and is constructed to aid sporting activities like running so has sufficient links with sport to be relevant to redesign for the world cup. Its upper construction also has a similar aesthetic to a football boot, and is also based on a 1980s Adidas design so reverts back to points I made in my essay about 80s fashion recycling round to now.

To keep with the theme inspired from a point I made in the essay of the relationships between the music industry and fashion labels I will have the collaboration between Adidas X Wyclef Jean an artist who's involved in producing the 2014 anthem for the World Cup. I talked about Nike alot in the essay and its links with the music industry and how its been at the forefront of these collaboration from the 80s to modern day, so to keep it fresh I chose to bring Adidas into things and link it back to these aspects of the essay. Choosing Wyclef Jean also links to these same points of how fashion and music has recycled from the 1980s to the modern day as Wyclef Jean first came about in the late 1980s.
Influences for the trainer design will be taken from the World Cup itself, inspirations coming from ideas deriving from Brazil, Football, Adidas, The Adidas ZX Flux, and the artist involved in the Anthem Wyclef Jean.

The trainer design will then form the main body of the content of the publication I produce, I will be creating a publication with the trainer design in it, information on the trainer design, information on its influences, information about the 2014 World Cup, information on the artist Wyclef Jean.

The format will be a printed and bound publication, of a medium/small size similar to the size of a zine or brochure. The aesthetics of it will be quite unique and abstract, with it been a limited edition trainer release I mentioned that producing a publication with a limited edition feel too it would be needed. So I will be experimenting with unique binding methods, shapes of the publication, stock use, and interactive pull out elements if possible. This will make the publication as desirable and collectable as the trainer release it is supporting. 

Aesthetics for the layout will most probably be quite minimal, based on the minimalist construction of the trainer this will be the main influence I take forward for the research I gather to inspire the development stages and production of the layout. 

Taking forward other points mentioned in my proposal will also influence the production and development stage working alongside the above points. 

Plan of action

Research existing publications to inspire my publication design. 

Research trainer collaborations.

To create this publication and the design ideas I need actual content to go into it. 

 I will create the trainer redesign in adobe illustrator, based on influences deriving from: Brazil, Football, Adidas, The Adidas ZX Flux and Avicii. 

From here I  I will need to make some text based content explaining the technical aspects of the ZX flux in each element like the sole, the mid sole, the fabrics used etc. 

A brief bit of information on the 2014 world cup, adidas and Avicii the collaborator of the Adidas trainer redesign. 

Explain the design influences in terms of color and visual aspects of the trainer redesign

From here I will create Ideas generation and visual development for the publication design.

Finalise the design of the publication.



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