Sunday 6 April 2014

Time management research & ideas

Time management research & ideas

One way to avoid stress of intense workloads is good time management.

Basic ideas how time can be managed or similar branches of this subject that could be explored and researched. 

I looked into some different time management research sources to help gather more knowledge into aspects of time management. This research into time management will provide influence for the content information I may include in my design solution be it a digital or a print based outcome.

Advantages of time management
I found a few sources outlining benefits that rise from good time management both non academic and academic.

Creating a sort of interactive calendar would be a good idea, how I would put this calendar into a design solution is still the question though but having a calendar that can prove to be an interactive planner ranging from day tasks to hourly tasks could provide a benefit for the student with very little time so planning ahead would allow them to make the most of there time. 

An example of how intricate these calendar systems can be is inspired by the calendar on my mac. 

Tasks can be categorized into home or work tasks. This system could be used in the solution I create for students only instead of "Home" and "work" the categories could be split into further sections like "socialize", "free time" "exercise" "food" "work" "university" and a color coded marker system could be used to save time on writing these tasks in.

I will record in my later design stages the elements I have taken from these research sections

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