Saturday 5 April 2014

Iconic movie poster designers

Iconic movie poster designers

To distinguish and understand what makes a good movie poster I will look into the most iconic movie poster designers and analyze main design points that make these posters so successful.

Richard Amsel
Very illustrative and detailed within the imagery, but along a solid tonal range of warm orange and brown hues. Very image heavy designs. 

Bill Gold
Centre justified alignment, good balance of negative space but no too text and image heavy. Everything is balanced nicely. Very subtle with the use of color.  

All City Media
Very modern illustration, vector based imagery with symmetrical image. Very detailed but limited color palette in context with the detailed image. The designs depend on high impact imagery to draw the viewer in. 

Heinz Schulz-Neudamm
Created in 1926 this poster was one of the most expensive pieces of graphic designs to be ever sold. It paved the way for type design with many great rock bands adopting this very angular and aggressive type style which connotes rock and metal music the world over in its varying adaptations done from many designers. It shows never to overcomplicate things, theres only a header in terms of typographic information here theres no need for any other information. 

Reynold Brown
Iconic image style that really does represent the 60/70s through color, image style and type style. Again very image heavy using bold and vibrant hues to draw the attention in and like Saul Bass a top heavy image balance. 

Drew Stuzan
Modern day poster design, a digital montage of imagery. Don't really like this style of poster design that seems to be so popular for run of the mill film poster productions. Its more of a visual mash up of photo collages. Very grunge style use of text that works with the synopsis of the film. Not much conceptual thinking behind the poster just images and snapshots of the film itself. Could do with thinking outside the box bait more. 

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