Wednesday 6 November 2013

Context of Practice Lecture Illustration

Context of Practice Lecture Illustration 

We had an interesting lecture on illustration today. It has taught me the basic concepts behind what illustration communicates and how it does it. Illustration is a combination of context, concept and image. 

It is described as strategic image making and is used within a context to visually communicate a meaning or concept. 

These concepts can be portrayed in different ways depending on the required message and the illustrators style and how he or she uses there mediums. The earliest examples of illustration been used as a visualization of communication was back when cave drawings were a visual language before typography. They worked due to our brains been programmed to respond to pictures in different ways. For example below are 2 examples of animals. One is Graphic Design, created for instructing directions. The other to communicate animal trafficking and to convey emotions and feelings through the powerful use of medias and composition within the aesthetics. 

The use of ink has a delicacy too it it creates a sinister tone of voice through its monochrome color scheme and vague detail within the images. Creating a connotation of fading away and simulates how the population is dying off through the trafficking systems. 

Other examples of tone of voice can be; playful, nostalgia and euphoric feelings all through use of color, style of drawing and composition. 

I have come to the understanding that illustration isn't based on trend setting styles at the time, its about been functional, creating an emotional impact and been informative without the use of words. Going back to the basics when words hadn't been developed yet. 

It doesn't have to use tradition materials either. Its to communicate a message so the use of materials could be used to connote this message. The bellow is to show how McDonalds contribute to deforestation and for such a simple composition this is connoted very clearly in my eyes.

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