Tuesday 5 November 2013

Poster Inspiration

Poster Inspiration 

Presented below are examples of posters that will go on to inspire my series of 3 posters. Inspiration will come in the form of styling and concept through the presented designers use of typography, type and image and solo image. 

Type only
I chose the below images as a means of styling inspiration. I love the simplicity through the monochrome colour schemes in both examples. Its not too crude on the eye and the layout is clean and fresh and compliments the simple use of type. This is what I intend to emulate, a simple use of type but create a strong message. For example the first example has the words blanked out. As I am doing statistics this could provide a base point for maybe listing facts and figures and showing significant facts and blanking out less important facts? Or maybe create a contrast, maybe show upsetting facts about the event aftermath or facts on how the event effected the area and contrast these with facts about how economically strong the area was before and blank these facts out?

This example is a classic example of type as image. The low quality print outcome of the A fits in with the concept of A representing atomic. When i see this and learn that its linked with atomic it makes me think of the ground and the soil after an atomic disaster and how dead and cracked it is from the death of all the nutrients and loss of all life. A simple yet effective outcome. One thing I could try out is use a large point size K as an outline for a series of elements to be enclosed inside it on the facts of hurricane Katrina? or a collection of icons emulating the facts to make up the K? I would support the large K with a simple sub header with a high impact quote. The clean simple centre justified layout found in both of these is also something I would like to emulate in my designs. Keeping the poster minimal keeps focus on the facts at hand I am trying to produce, so no distracting colour will be used as this will just cause confusion, I may try out the use of a single colour element to highlight a fact maybe.

Image only
Here is an example of how effective the use of just image can be. Although just one visual element only taking up around 50% of the layouts space the contrast of aztec style geometric vector artwork within the drawing and the simplicity of a one colour image outcome works well with the simple centred layout. As info-graphics can be displayed as just imagery I will try out the creation of simple image outcomes that communicate a strong message without the use of type. I will experiment in how I can display and link global warming with weather disasters in a visual format. 

Type and image
This example is my personal favourite and instantly sparked an idea of displaying an item that could be found in the aftermath of an even something visually striking and emotional like a kids toy with the "branding" and typography found on it displaying the haunting facts of the aftermath of the event in question. This could then be combined with a simple sub header pulling at the viewers emotions somehow. The simplicity of the monochrome colour scheme with a striking colour element added works very well too. 

Overall I feel these examples provide me with a good base to work upon my contextual ideas and help me begin thinking of ways to visualise them in a simple yet effective outcome. 

An example of a strong concept is presented bellow. Probably the most iconic and well known poster campaign to date. A delicate accurate illustration of mythological uncle sam in a lithographic print format. The poster shows uncle sam pointing his finger at the viewer trying to convince them to join up to the American Army during world war 1. The blank space below nearest recruiting station was for the address of the nearest station to be hand wrote in creating a sort of interactive poster which is an interesting concept I could think off? Its a very political message of need and want from the US army aimed at young working class american men and plays on patriotic mind sets through the use of the national colours. This creates an effect of pride for the viewer if they were to join up and help. A poster playing with the viewers emotions and presenting a certain feeling is something I want to try out, I want to play on facts and figures to inform the viewer and sort of worry them about the growing concerns of weather disasters that are becoming more frequent. 

Key points.
Memorable and high impact.
Political and serious tone of voice.


Concept ideas I will take forward are the use of the striking out idea and how it could be incorporated into my static presentation. The strong message that could be presented through  image only, the can made me think of presenting a child's toy obviously damaged by the water from the floods. Something like this connote ideas of death, loss of family or the links in with missing people. Visually I will take the strong high impact elements from the K poster, bold colours on contrasting backgrounds work well to create a high impact outcome. Other inspirations will come from frame layout and format. 

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