Thursday 28 November 2013

Photo frame composition & layout inspiration

Photo frame composition & layout inspiration 

Included a few examples of some uses of type and image in a variety of ways to help spark visual ideas for my frame backing paper. I chose a variety of examples to inspire fresh ideas, as visually all the frame examples are not visually appealing and don't provide much in the way of inspiration. Using different sources of inspiration will help create fresh and original ideas instead of lateral outcomes derived from a standard style of frame backing paper. As mentioned I want to aim the frame at a high end market so these examples present in essence have a much more corporate feel which will strengthen the quality of the frame it is to work alongside. 

I chose this example of use of type and image due to its simplicity in its type layout, keeping things clean and simple and easy to follow with legible sans serif typography in a left aligned format. This allows the eye to distinguish information clearly with no distractions as the image used is a simple combination of clean, vector shapes that within there composition work well with the typography. I like the monochrome colour scheme too, the use of 2 similar tones works well and creates a nice contrast. The combination of heavy type weights and bold full colour shapes works alongside each other and strengthens the whole layout. It would be nice to use something like UV inks on a colour scheme like this, or foil blocking. Embossing could also work well but due too it been a representation of what would be in the frame does would be pretty pointless as embossing is used for physical print outcomes that people can hold and appreciate the process's used. 

A-Side Studio. Falmouth UK. Formfiftyfive blog.

Im liking the idea of very clean type only compositions. This is a very minimalist approach to this concept. This could work well with dimensions been the large scale type section as seen bellow in the 1.2.3. & 4 glyphs. The use of large point size sans serif glyphs creates a very high impact outcome, but within the clean,minimalist composition of the label and the bottle design a contrast is created. This idea could work well, contrast the frame style with the composition style of the backing photo, for example if i had a very robust, natural finished wood frame. This type of ultra clean minimalist style would create a nice contrast and maintain a contemporary style and strengthen the versatility concept I want to portray in my initial ideas.  

Solo. Barcelona SPAIN. Formfiftyfive blog.

Here is an example i chose using a stock photograph and a combination of typography. There is also a type only design that works alongside the type and image outcome. This idea of creating a series of 3 backing photos with a combination of type only, type and image. and image only would be an interesting concept to try out. If a master layout is apparent throughout all 3 in terms of type choice, size, colour choice, layout or a combination of these elements a consistent feel would be emulated. This would work especially well if the frames came in as a set of 3, the use of image only & type and image could present how a photo would look in the frame, type only for things like certificates. The centre alignment and positioning of the ABA logo and the information on type only example works well as a set. I don't feel the information at the bottom of the combination works well though. The tonal range is consistent throughout the use of image and typeface colour choice, a very cold, industrial kind of outcome is apparent through the use of colour here which again strengthens the clean cut use of minimalist typography. 

Acme studio, ABA branding. Newgrids blog.

The final example shown is a nice use of type and image, i like the monotone overlay on the photo. Using a monotone overlay over a series of backing photos could create the idea of a set and create a feeling of consistency. Maybe even use different tonal ranges of the same colour? The simplicity of the small point size aligned flush to right and left page edges creates no distractions of the imagery presented. This could work well in displaying how a photo could look in the frame while still including information like dimensions, price and the brand of the frame. 

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