Monday 25 November 2013

Design Process briefing & Studio Brief 1

Design Process briefing & Studio Brief 1

Had the module briefing for OUGD405 Design Process and I'm looking forward to starting to explore a broad range of process's to create a range of visual outcomes to portray different concepts and ideas. I will be trying out different print methods and production methods for how finals are produced, I will be trying out facilities like screen printing, laser cutting and other facilities on offer to create different outcomes. It will be necessary to consider process's and production methods in relevance to the design concept. Don't just start using things like laser cutting just because it looks nice and is ascetically pleasing. Consider concept and how the concept can be strengthened by certain process's. 

I will explore practical and conceptual approaches to research and problem solving in response to the briefs. 

Develop an awareness of issues relating to form, function and context in relation to design based problems of communication.  

I will further develop skills in recording, commenting, presenting and evaluating my work in response to my feedback from peer feedback and how work is to be inspired by gathered research. 

Studio Brief 1.
We also got our first studio brief set for this module, we are to re-design a photo frame backing image, a minimum of 3 designs will be produced made to work across a set of 3 different sized frames. The frame format size I can use are:

6x4 inches - 7x5 inches - 8x6 inches
A5 - A4 - A3

To begin with I will critically analyze existing photo frame backing photos, this will help me decide on what kind of target audience I will be aiming at depending on the store the frame comes from. Things to consider is the frame style, like if its ornate or simple. Then think about what type of customers will purchase the product, as the target market on a frame found in Harvey Nichols will be different to the one found in Wilkinson's or a pound store. 

Bellow are some examples of current examples of physical photo frames and there backing photos. 
Below are 2 examples of a series of photo frames from paperchase. Paperchase create very ornate and original products with contemporary styles inspired by current trends, so these will be mostly aimed at young to middle aged target markets. Mainly woman due to there overly decorative styles and colors. 
The first works as a set due to its ornate, floral styling carried throughout the 3 frames. They are very decorative in there physical styling and coloring is bold and vibrant. The style of the photo backing paper fits with the frame style, its very ornate and decorative using script style fonts. I feel this works well in terms of fitting the styling of the frame but visually it isn't very nice, centre aligned typography doesn't work in terms of readability and the use of white on a textured pastel background creates difficult to distinguish words. Would work much better with black. Also the change between white type and black isn't necessary it hinders consistency which is necessary for successful design to work when so few elements are used in the composition. 

The above centre frame and the below right frame have the most successful designs in terms of layout and presentation. The black background contrasts nice with the physical frame but the clean structure of the sans serif typeface clashes with the ornate physical frame. But in terms of legibility the white type works better on a dark background due to the difference in tonal ranges. The 2 colour scheme maintains constancy with the same colour typography and lower case sans serif typeface, would work better if it wasn't in an oblique format. Would be more structured if it was regular and would be framed up nicely by the surrounding frame. 

Bellow are examples of very traditional styled frames. They appear like there inspired by victorian patterns seen in the renaissance period. Extravagant spirals and florals creating very decorative yet symmetrical styles. But the photo backing paper doesn't work with this. It clashes in my opinion, the typeface is a hand drawn typeface with condensed uppercase glyphs that appear very elongated in there ascenders and descenders, there is no organization or structure like the symmetry represented in the frames ornate patterning. Not even physical elegance like a script typeface as this would work better than this. The type color choice is better though as there isn't too much of a hindering contrast between the tonal ranges, its legible enough in that sense. This typeface would work well with a very robust hand made chunky wood frame that has a very organic texture and natural colouring   

Very decorative and physically ornate with 3D sculpting, has a very festive feel. Paperchase base a lot of there products around seasons or ongoing trends, this has a very wintery and christmasy feel. The Script typeface fits well with the styling of the frame and keeps a very traditional hand made feeling throughougout the backing image and the frame itself. I find the flowers in the background to be distracting again hindering readability of the typography. The use of the flowers works with the frame as it is based on nature so a link can be established here but still in terms of design it doesn't work. 

Bellow are some examples I found in Sainsburys these were priced mid range and all followed a simple kind of structure within there physical creations. In terms of target market I feel these will be quite open, they appear quite universal in there frame styling and they could easily fit in in a minimally decorated room just as much as a lavishly decorated room. And the typography and layout design strengthens this universal and diverse concept. 

Bellow is a natural wood finished traditional type of frame, very versatile in where it could be displayed. The photo backing paper works well in conjunction with the frame. The color scheme works well with it the black logo TU stands out nicely due to a strong tonal range contrasting on the soft pastel colors throughout the frame itself and the paper background. The Typography is clean and simple much like the frame itself creating very legible and easy to read information. Consistency is achieved through all lowercase sans serif typefaces but I feel it could have worked better if the information matched the typeface used in the logo. Not having distracting imagery displaying a stock photo works in this piece, a photo is too busy and I feel it distracts the buyer away from the product they are there to buy. The frame, design needs to be minimalistic and support not outweigh the visual aesthetics of the frame style and structure. 

Below is another example from there 'home' range. Again the backing paper works well with conjunction with the frame, I prefer the contrast of the frame and backing paper here though. The colour difference emulates the tonal ranges in a photo more, a photo would never have such light tonal ranges so this gives a better representation of how the frame would encase an actual photograph. The layouts work in a set by using the vertically positions 'home' tag positioned to the right of the page and the layout of the brand log and the dimensions. The only difference been that I don't like is the increase of size in the brand logo and dimensions compared to the wooden frame. The above appears to have more consideration within the use of space within the composition, were as the below has just taken this master layout and increased the size wich in my opinion causes a visual clash with the 'home' tag. It creates confusion when viewing and creates a very busy feel within the composition. And the frames are very clean and simple. This needs to be presented within the backing paper too. 

Below is an example from Ikea, it follows a similar layout style within it's composition and use of pastel colors like the Sainsbury's examples. The pastel grey works well in conjunction with the warmth of the brown natural wood frame. A nice contrasts of hot and cold between the cold grey and brown in the frame, contrast comes in the form of the header and feh folio information with dimensions and product name in white. Clean sans serif typography works well in a heirachy style of type sizing. Header in large point size and uppercase with size tapering down with small type at the bottom of the composition. I feel a clash is caused with the combination of left aligned information and right aligned info but I like the use of a barcode on the photo backing paper. This would be aimed again at middle market, its quite versatile so could be aimed at both older or younger generations who will use it in conjunction with contemporary or traditional styled decors.

After viewing these range of frames I have come to the conclusion I would like to create a photo backing plate for a range of frames that are very universal in there use. This way I can create a very versatile design outcome that could be interpreted in many ways and can fit into a variety of contexts and presentations. I feel by creating a backing image for a versatile frame gives me a good scope for trying out ranges of process's within layout, type, composition and color schemes. 

I will look further into simply constructed frames that concentrate on good quality materials and simple constructions and will look into higher end frames. I feel creating a versatile design outcome aimed at a high end market will be challenging and informative to me and will give me the possibility of creating a range of concepts to develop and take forward. 

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