Friday 18 October 2013

Context of Practice lecture 2

Context of Practice lecture 2 - Visual Literacy - Language of Design

Todays lecture had us looking into Visual Literacy as a base to;

Communicate an idea.
Solve problems through the use of type, image, color and motion.
Begin looking into meanings of words and languages. 
How to communicate ideas in a conceptual and contextual way in which different audiences can understand.
Know that the visual outcome is effected by the audience and what they want to see and should be based on there understanding of the use of signs and symbols in context of the combination of type and image. All conceptual meanings should be based around peoples/audience general cultural knowledge. 

This lecture fits in nicely with the semiotics lecture we had as lots of elements within this lecture can be combined.

Above and below are global representations of toilet signage. This is a global language that is understood by all cultures so type doesn't have to be used to explain the picture. Below is a more playful approach of the common signage. 

Its interesting to see how signs can be interpreted without the use of words. This is a base of Visual Literacy, through agreements and commonly interpreted elements to create an outcome that is globally recognized. 

Below is a very interesting concept on how singular use of an element or sign can mean one thing but the connotation is very loose. For example this + sign can mean so much, maths, add, first aid, positive, religion. 
Below this singular element is combined in context to create the connotation of maths. It works when in a group due to the familiar symbols that support this concept. 

Once this cross has been extended it instantly connotes different meanings but the main one been religion. 

Once its been added into context it supports this theory of religion. Its interesting to see how over years this sign has been trained into us to connote religion, which can spark arguments of conspiracy, war and peach. All very different facts that come from such a simple symbol with no words. 
But common non christians or the general publics idea of what the cross means is actually incorrect. The actual sign of Christianity is the fish. But this proves how effective the cross is at emulating the message to global non educated people who dont support the religion. This is the idea of creating successful visual communication so the viewer can understand the concept without much thinking.

Once the use of color is brought into things thing gain more clarity. Like once green is added to the element it connotes hospitals. 
And once the element is enclose inside another it creates a national flag globaly recognised as the english flag. Its interesting to see what can be created from simple manipulation of one element in different ways and color formats.

This is the idea that we need to remember, keep things simple and concentrate on the intended message through simple manipulations. This doesn't confuse the viewer and emulates a strong meaning through simple imagery. 

The final thing I will review is how historical context can be portrayed in different ways. A classic example of this been the use of the Buddha symbol been used for the Nazi sign. Buddhas emulate peace and love and the Nazi movement quite the opposite. Quite a good way of creating interesting Visual communication. 

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