Monday 28 October 2013

Design Skills Poster Series

Design Skills Poster Series

Today we have been set a brief asking us to produce 3 high impact visually striking posters that need to work as  a set. One poster will be type only, the over image only and the final one type and image. The message communicated is supported and based on the factual research I have gathered into weather and storms and how its getting worse. So each individual poster needs to communicate this concept some how. 

I will need to look into existing poster design and other graphic design examples to help inspire my practice. These will be presented within this post and similar posts. 

The color scheme is a 2 color scheme with an option to use whatever color paper stock I please. The printed outcome will be A3 scale but the actual visual print will not fill this piece so will be around 20cm x 40cm. Imagery used should be Duotone or monotone and I will begin looking into Infographics got communicate a message. 

I need to decide if I'm making a statement, delivering facts or asking a question through my visual response. Think about tone of voice base it on facts and statistics and be informed and specific. 

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