Monday 14 October 2013

Design Skills - Alphabet Soup - Typeface

Design Skills - Alphabet Soup - Typeface

Today we were briefed on studio brief 3. We are required to design a typeface for a fill alphabet and 6 glyphs of our choice. The typeface used as a base to build upon must represent the personality and character of my partner. Through a series of questions I discovered a basis on her personality and character, this will help me chose a font from the Adobe Font Folio for the start of my manipulations. 

Layout format will be a 4 x 8 grid on an A2 piece and a 45mm x 90mm name badge for my partner. 

Below is a list of my answers for my partner Helen Street, these will help me begin developing ideas for a base typeface and manipulation methods I could adopt.  

When is she happiest: When socialising with friends
Her greatest fear: Flying
Favourite place in the world: Rome
Earliest memory: Riding bike into a wall, then not a lot after. 
Her most embarrassing moment: Sitting in a strangers car thinking it was her families.
What makes her unhappy: Family disputes.
Who would play her in the film of her life: New girls Zoey Des channel 
Favourite smell: Antiseptic smell
Favourite word: Mish Mash
Dream job: Graphic Designer
Fancy dress costumer of choice: Jelly fish
Guilty pleasure: Taylor swift songs
How does she relax: Walking and personal chill out time
What in her past would she change: Nothing life's perfect  

After further conversation I found out a few more interesting facts like; 
She would like to play the guitar
Likes hand making things in a craft kind of way
Has an interest in car mechanics and how car engines work
Knows sign language
Doodles a lot when taking notes
Left handed
Appreciates intricate objects 
Organisation/Structure based person 
Favourite colour is green and she likes to wear black
Music wise she likes Indie bands like gaslight anthem
Sarcastic person and loves Korma.

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