Friday 11 October 2013

Design Skills - Alphabet Soup Inspiration

Design Skills - Alphabet Soup Inspiration

Now i have basis of the concept i want to apply to my letterforms i am going to begin to look at some inspiration sources. This is an ongoing thing so there will be lots off images posted up from varying sources some been visual based like designers and some outsourced like architecture and mechanics to maintain a broad range of inspiration. 

ThreeSix font found on
Legopress by Levi Bunyam
Valee Duhamel
have chosen these 3 examples so far for there range of styles and processes used. My favorite been the lego press due to its unique production method creating his own letter press has made a nice final outcome that emulates a visual brail type style. I would like to look at other sources of making prints and mark making. The threesix font is nice in terms of its abstract style i like how retro it looks so to speak like the old space invaders typeface, very digital in its style yet clean and simple. The last source of inspiration is a sculpture that to me represents fracture. It looks like an explosion caught mid motion, i like this idea of motion been portrayed in a still object as I have tried out in my rough thumbnails and would like to progress again, use of color would be nice but to maintain legibility of letterforms i will just take inspiration from the shapes and the geometric layout of them.

Apeloig Drop

Above is a typeface I am really fond off stumbling across this agency I found there working practice/style within typography similar to mine. Although they seem more playful in the creation of some of there typefaces but they like to create an image out of letterforms but still create a crisp clean legible finish. This typeface is called 'drop' and definitely emulates the title it has avery fluid feel that represents water and liquids in a playful way that has a certain motion too it. 

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