Thursday 10 October 2013

Screen Printing introduction

Screen Printing Introduction

Today we had a brief introduction to the extra printing facilities available us down at Rossington Street campus. Its got me quite excited about the range of extra equipment, materials and knowledge of technicians we have a at our disposal down at this campus.  I have provided a few images of outcomes and equipment we have at out disposal that will benefit my practice in different ways. 

Processes we can carry out here are the following: Screen print, letterpress, etching, linotype, mono print, embossing and debossing, woodblock printing and various printing beds at out disposal to experiment with lots of different visual outcomes. The thing i am looking forward to the most is book binding, the quality of the outcomes on show looked nothing short of professional and I look forward to looking into this medium. 
Woodblock print

I like the detail obtained in this print, the pattern could be carved, etched or laser printed into the wood to create a unique medium of visual response.  
This is the method I want to experiment with the most, using individual color stencils overlaid onto each other to create mass produced prints with subtle finish differences fascinates me. Screen printing produces a very unique finish that cant be achieved with digital printing and inks like UV, glow in the dark and spot UV varnish inks can be used to create various visual styles. 
Columbian letterpress
This fancy piece of equipment is a 160 year old columbian letterpress that is used for block type which is a medium I will be most probably experimenting with. 
Various print outcomes

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