Friday 11 October 2013

Context of Practice - Study Task 3

OUGD401 Context of Practice - Study Task 3

I have been asked to write a a comparative analysis of the below images discussing the following aspects of there makeup; the choice and organization of the font, style of the illustration, the purpose and meaning of the image, the target audience of the two images and the social and historical context of the images. Compare and evaluate subtle hints between the pair of images. 

Image 1 
Image 2
In terms of initial first responses to these images the actual concept of the image differed greatly from my idea of what the image meant in my own mind. Image one i thought was a man reminiscing on what happened during the war after been asked by his children who back then were been educated on said war. Image two i thought was a political image portraying the american movement and its links to import export around the world. When in-fact its an advert for the 'Uncle Same range' cooker/stove and for image one it is a basically a guilt trip insult on the middle class man who didn't in-list in war. In essence the two images both emulate a message in a subtle way which draws the viewer into the piece to think deeper and observe other elements within the piece to establish what the concept is meant to be. On this subject of audiences it is obvious that there is a clear difference between the two, one is an advertisement and the other a political guilt trip on the british middle class man. 

History and social context. This is again were both pieces contrast in terms of opposites. One is a guilt trip and a sort of insult onto the British middle class man, and the other image is a celebration of American History marking 100 years after the US became independent in 1776. Image two portrays this more obvious once you understand the concept through the use of the imaginary political hero Uncle Sam and his celebration dinner which is commonly enjoyed on a yearly basis by the people of the US. So the dinner part is seen to be the concept behind this in my eyes and an insult on how superior america is in such a short space of time compared to other countries. These other countries been dragged into this by been insulted on the shopping list for example racist remarks made on china for eating cats and rats through there independent years while they dine in a feast. Image one however portrays history in a way in which it is looking back in a negative way for the man in the picture and how he doesn't have anything positive to portray to his children as he was not involved, so compared to the positive boasting aspects within the uncle sam image this image puts guilt onto the man for not enrolling. Simply by his kids asking about such a monumental occasion and him most probably feeling like he was no part in it while he sat back enjoyed his riches and food while poorer cultures got dragged into the war to maintain his lavicious lifestyle. Very controversial and selfish. 

In terms of targets image two is an advertisement so it is for people after a cooker and the other image is a political message to everyone guilt tripping the middle class men who were too cowardly to enroll to the whole world  So like the "we want you" enrollment poster by the americans this is a complete opposite kind of message portrayed in that poster. The 'you' has been highlighted in the first image making this comparison even more obvious.  

The images shown are visually very different, the first one been very reserved and subtle and the second one been very loud and busy. The typography looks very scripture based in its style something that was very corporate back then adding a seriousness compared to the playful image style in the Uncle Sam poster. The simple lightweight italics in the first one contrast greatly with the loudness in the slab serif faces used in image two. The two images contrast again through the color scheme and other elements, they both honor there heritage in differet ways, the first through the use of emblems of roses and crests known to the british and the british uniform on the toy soldiers and the typical tweed suit of a british aristocrat or wealthy man. Subtle in its approach much like the type and the type of drawing is much more reserved compared to the detailed more accurate uncle sam illustration. Finally the uncle sam color scheme. VERY patriotic. Red white and blue everywhere to demonstrate upmost supremacy and proudness of there nations colors and stars and stripes. So were as the british kept there image realistic with emblems embedded into the sofa and curtains the americans went all out and created an abstract humorous image with stars and stripes everywhere and racist digs  throughout caricatures and the eagle joining in for dinner.

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