Wednesday 30 October 2013

Context of Practice Lecture Type Production & Distribution

Context of Practice Lecture Type Production & Distribution

The spoken language originates back to 3200 BCE.

Letterforms were hand produced up until 1436 where Johannes Gutenberg produced the Gutenberg press. A machine that could print bodes of type and was the beginning of traditional typesetting and the spark of the boom of typography design. 

 Typography was beginning to be seen as a modernist art form with designers seeing potential within typeface design to help communicate language through the use of there visual identities so to speak. 

Typography is basically a visual outcome of our spoken language. And the styling of this spoken language began to be categorized. The introduction of different production techniques like stone which was carving and was the start of roman faces, sable which was a brush technique, bone sparked the start of script typefaces, woodblock type was the birthplace of block and metal typeface used in fine detail letter pressing started the gothic era of letterforms.

Typeface classification began t develop and develop to what we see now the Bahaus movement and the production of Helvetica is to me what created the most debatable subject within the design world when Microsoft performed a legal outrage by ripping off Helvetica with there own version. Arial. They got around this by making minor details all because they refused to pay for the rights to use Helvetica. 

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