Tuesday 29 October 2013

Semiotic Theory outline

Semiotic Theory outline

Today we had a quick recap on the main points of semeiotics. Sign = Signified + Signifier. A signifier is a denoted literal element as well as a connotation, a known cultural association and sign the mental association. Myth based on R. Barths theory is basically a snow ball effect of a connotation leading to another connotation and so on and so on.

Semiotics is based on Structuralism and is made up of codes, denotations, connotations, index, icons, symbols, texts, signs. We were given a section too look on then present key points that communicated this. Our groups was code. 

To briefly sum up codes in a more understandable way is to say how it is basically an organization system or grid system for theories, concepts and product. Its the general meaning and understanding of an aspect. The connotation of certain element within cultures is an example of how the code has different outcomes in style and concept. It explains how the Superman code is made up of how he acts, behave, looks, and what he does. No matter what culture or reference it is tad it still emulates the same aspect. A set of basic ingredients or directions to create this connotation.

Codes can come in formal outcomes or can be flexible. An example that I came up with to emulate a more flexible format would be asking 2 people of different cultures to make a sandwich. If one was french another american the outcome would be different due to cultural differences and interpretations. The french outcome could contain a baguette with tomato brie and frog a common connotation to the french. An american could create a grilled cheese sandwich a typical american staple. The basic code for a sandwich is a casing and a filling but different interpretations can come from this through different cultures. 

My opinion of connotations and perceptions also lends itself to cultures and countries. It is said that the coded meanings for Japan is elements of accuracy, precision, reliability, technology. Just like germans are perceived to create durable engineered cars and products. French peoples connotations would be love, snails, stripy clothing . Basically a hidden meaning behind the nationality due to cultural acceptance on the matter.

An example in a graphic design concept would be on the basic rules of Graphic design and how its quite a mathematical arithmetic code firmly established rule  Set cultural rules are: Image, Communicated a message, Color, Type, Layout. The ways in which the outcome could differ is through the grid layout. It could be deconstructed or clean cut layout. Color variations, inspiration preferences, style like Minimalistic and contemporary. The outcomes vary depending on the cultural references the designer has obtained over his or her career, there underling interests and hobby. 

Overview of Texts.
A text is basically anything that communicates something, for example a sound, a film, a magazine, a book, a sculpture a piece of art or design. Anything, what changes its meaning is dependent upon the context its placed within.

Overview of Myth.
Myth is a word Roland Barthes looked into deeper. As i mentioned from my own outlook on what it means I wasn't far off, its basically a way in which a text/signifier is described using peoples assumptions on cultural history. Basically a false belief of an idea through social and cultural acceptance. 

Has a visual connection with its meaning and concept. For example a wave, is a visual way in which to say hello. 

A sign that emulates an reference in a more literal obvious way. When mentioning drip it instantly connotes a visual of dripping water.

Is a way in which an element portrays something but in an abstract relation. They don't actually resemble this reference, they just indicate and hint upon what it is. For example if you saw smoke, this would make you think fire. 

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