Thursday 24 October 2013

Design Skills - Alphabet Soup - Typeface

Code/Braille & Engine Mechanics 

Code is the idea of an element standing for something else. A hidden message hid behind something simple? or something more complex? for example algebra a letter having a mathematical equation, or the fact ancient pictograms used simple pictures to show a whole meaning. 

To help inspire a concept more deeply I will look into Braille and car engine mechanics. 

Braille is used as a writing system for the blind and visually impaired to understand what is communicated in menus, signs, books, signs and currency. The use of digital brail can be achieved on the use of computer screens through the use of refreshable braille displays. They work by writing braille on a portable braille writer/note taker which used a machine to emboss the code upon for the user to feel/read. 

Braille is a word derived from its creator Louis Braille a Frenchman who went blind after a childhood accident at the age of 15. He developed this code for the French alphabet in 1824. In 1837 a digital version of the writing known as binary was created. 

The characters are made up of small rectangular blocks which are called cells. These cells contain palpable bumps called raised dots. The arrangement of these elements communicate each separate character. Different languages vary in cell style an layouts. In English Braille there are 3 levels of encoding. Grade 1 is a letter by letter transcript used for basic writing. Grade 2 is a concept using abbreviations. Grade 3 uses un official shorthands. The system is read from left to right like common reading styles. Letter forms are formed using an embossing system from the back of the page creating a mirror image on the other side. 

The letters are arranged in typical western alphabetical arrangement. The middle row replicates the top row which an extra dot on the bottom left corner of each character. The bottom row follows the same rule but has an extra dot on the bottom right corner. Appart from W which was more of an afterthought and doesn't fit the system due to Braille been originally french and French rarely use W.

Below is an example of a sentence strung together reading: Be kind to others.

I have gained an interesting bit of knowledge from this information,  the main one been the style on which I can inspire the typeface design on. And the fact I can try out embossing. At first I though brail was more complex in concept than this but the letterforms follow a symbol system off adding an element in a system and 'code' for each line of the alphabet. 

To keep things brief I will keep to the description and brief theory behind code to add to the underlying concept of Braille styling. 
Code is used for converting information. For example a letter, word, phrase or a gesture like sign language. This element will be converted into a form or representation. One sign created into another sign. (A signifier and signified combined) So its the idea of Describing an Actual image and a Mental concept into another Actual image and Mental concept in a different format. 

Encoding is the process used in communication (Our main job through design). Encoding is a process used to convert a source into symbols to be communicated. Decoding is a reverse of this process, the idea is to convert these coded symbols into the actual hidden information or message.

Coding is used to communicate difficult or impossible language be it spoken or written. For example semaphore. This is the use of the configuration of flags signaling to another semaphore signaler. The signaler will decode these messages into individual messages through letters and numbers. Like pictures translated into letterforms. Not dis similar to morse code. 

Engine Mechanics
As the mechanics of an engine are very complex. I will not begin to try understand everything about them. I am more after the visual aspects of things. So I will base my source inspiration upon visuals mostly to help inspire a visual response for the letterforms. Provided bellow are a video on how an engine is composed and a diagram of blueprint diagrams.
Visual responses and developments will be derived from this research into code and dismantling mechanics and engine mechanics. This will be shown in my development sketches. 

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